
1123 Words

ADELE’s POV A little gift? What gift? I kept staring at Armando's face waiting for him to tell me what the gift was, but he kept glaring at me. “What gift?” “A surprise! If I tell you now then it will no longer be a surprise, right?” “Yes I know that, but maybe a hint” “Adele, stop being too curious and focus on me, curiosity kills the cat” “What..” “We are not done with what we started, you know that, right?” I smiled and covered my face with my hands. Armando told me to turn around. I had no idea what devilish thought he was having but I did as he said. He was behind me, so he held my waist and began kissing and caressing my neck and back. He used one of his hands to hold my neck while kissing it. Then his other hand was inside my already very wet p***y. His touch and the sound

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