
1046 Words

ADELE’s POV We all turned around to look and saw that it was Brian and my tears increased because I knew how much my brother hated my father. When my father dropped Brian off at the house when his concubine gave birth, Brian was still a baby, so my mother and I never for once told Brian that my mother wasn’t his mother, but I made sure to tell him the kind of man that his father is, so he grew up hating my dad, and that was the best. “Brian, don’t say that, why would you want me dead, I am your father” “I don’t know you as my father, my father is dead, and I only have a mother” Armando called his guards to throw my father out of the house, and that made me very happy. On my father’s way out, he kept shouting that he needed Armando to give him some money. I was more than embarrassed abo

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