Saved or lucky!

1539 Words

ARMANDO’s POV After 10 minutes of waiting, Ares finally sent the address. I walked back to the room and saw Adele fast asleep. Then I went to the doctor's office. “Hey, how long do you think Adele will be asleep for?” “Well for about an hour or 2” “That is enough time!” “Are you going somewhere, sir?” “Yes! Only for an hour! Please, take care of her, I will be back before she wakes up” “You can't leave the hospital, sir” “I said only for an hour!” I walked outside the hospital, and my ride was waiting for me already. “Sir, you should put on this mask, so people don't recognize you” I collected it, and they drove me to what looked like a secret villa. “Ares, Ares! He always has a secret location!” The guards waited by the car, and when I got into the apartment! I saw two ladies

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