The enemy is not far

1117 Words

ADELE's POV “Jesus Christ! A child is dying over here! Nurse! Vegas!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice, and the nurse quickly ran and picked her up. “What was a child doing here anyways!” I asked myself quietly. After some time Vegas came out of Armando’s room, and he asked me to join him in his office. When we got into the office he tilted his head and looked at me angrily. “Adele, you know the hospital policy! This is the VIP ward! People can't raise their voices! I get that Armando is a very important patient, but your family needs to calm down” “I am so sorry, Vegas! I am so sorry! Please!” “I told you that too much shock on Armando is not good! He is your husband, you need to take responsibility! Please!” “Once again I am very sorry, Vegas! I hope Armando is fine.” “There

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