
Save Your Kisses for Me


When immovable object Scott meets irresistible force Jamie, sparks will fly.

Accepting his brother's request to be the best man at his wedding, Scott meets his brother's best friend Jamie, and the attraction between them is instant and unexpected. However, Jamie has a secret.

When Scott finds out what it is, he doesn't feel he's the right man for Jamie. But Jamie isn't so easily deterred. He has his own unique way of dealing with Scott. He's harbored feelings for Scott for far too long to give up now.

In a battle for love, will it be the immovable object or the irresistible force that wins?

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 At the sight of the embossed envelope in his mailbox, Scott drew a deep breath. Not that it was a surprise, of course. He and his brother had been emailing and exchanging messages on f*******: for some time regarding Josh’s upcoming wedding. However, this meant he had a decision to make. I’ve looked after my little brother all my life. It’s not like I can walk away now. Even if it means things are uncomfortable for me. Ambling back inside his villa, Scott went through to the kitchen. Grabbing his coffee, he set it down, then sat at the counter turning the envelope over in his hands. Finally, he opened it. Sure enough, an embossed invitation sat inside, but there was a handwritten note as well. I still want you as my best man. Don’t make me send Aroha to sort you out. You know I’ll do it. J Despite everything, Scott burst out into loud guffaws. Yes, I believe you would. And just who can resist that little powerhouse of positive energy? Folding the note once again, he stuck it back in the envelope, glanced at his watch, and groaned. Absent-mindedly, he carried the envelope with him as he hurried into the kitchen. As a nurse, Scott worked in the local hospital’s Emergency Department. He preferred its generally faster pace and wider variety. For the next few days, he was on the night shift, starting at ten in the evening, he worked through the night, retiring to bed when most people were starting their day. With a quick detour to his fridge to get out his meal break supplies for the night shift; Scott filled his cool bag with an assortment of goodies. He always felt hungrier when on a night shift. Although sometimes it could be so busy that he only managed to grab a few snacks rather than the meal he always made to take with him. With his cool bag and a clean uniform in his backpack, Scott ambled out to the car and set off. The hospital was only a short fifteen minutes’ drive away and at that time of night, there was always plenty of staff parking space. Locking his car, Scott headed into the building and into the nurses’ changing room. Most nurses came ready dressed, but Scott was old school. He’d change here, and take the uniform home to wash, bringing a clean one in with him the following night. Stripping quickly, he donned his uniform and hung up his own clothes, then went into the break room to put his lunch box in the fridge. To his surprise, Scott found that he’d stuffed the invite in with his meal break goodies. He studied it again and was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he failed to hear one of the other nurses, Simone, come into the room. “Oh good, you’re in. Hey, is that a wedding invite? You don’t look happy about it.” “Hi, Simone. Yes, it is. It’s to my younger brother’s wedding. And he wants me to be his best man.” “Surely you should be delighted. I mean, you are going to accept. Both, that is.” “I don’t know. I want to, and he and Aroha, his lovely fiancée want me, but, well, I’m still the family’s rainbow sheep and after the last family fiasco, I swore I’d never go to anything family again. I never expected Josh to be so keen to marry. They’ve only been a couple for a year, but they’re smitten. It’s cute really.” Scott offered Simone a smile and she grinned. “Aww, that’s sweet. But what about you? You can’t let Josh down. Remember, it’s not that i***t of a father of yours, or your day. It’s Josh’s day. It’s all about what Josh and Aroha want.” “I guess so. But you know how complicated family stuff can be.” “Yes, I do.” Simone nodded and placing a hand on Scott’s shoulder, she squeezed gently. “You should go, Scott. Maybe try and fix some of that family stuff.” “I know. I don’t want to let Josh down, and you’re right. It is his and Aroha’s day.” Scott sighed as Simone walked away. And that’s why I thought it best to keep my distance. Perhaps Josh has made Dad promise to keep his antiquated ideas about love to himself. With a rue smile, Scott knew it didn’t really matter whether they had or not. He wasn’t going to change a habit of a lifetime, especially for the worse. He’d be Josh’s best man, and if his father behaved like a wanker, then so be it. I can be the bigger man.

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