Twenty Eight

1564 Words

28- DEALING WITH A WHOLE WHIRLWIND OF EMOTIONS ●|○|○|●|●|○|●● ●●●●●● ●●|○||●●●●●● How sick was this? This was so f*****g f****d up. After having hours long chats and story exchanges with Daddyscumslut, Lynn decided it was finally time to leave the laptop and do something more productive with her time. She decided to go hang out with Jess. That wasn't exactly productive but whatever. Jess was introducing her to her new boyfriend. She didn't know for whatever reason, the girl always wanted her to get some stamp of approval on her boyfriend. And the guy…well, he was a nice lad, but there was just no telling with this man. He could be picture perfect, cute and handsome and act all right, but who knows if he was going to keep it up in the long run. Jess took her out for drinks and Lyn

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