Damned Fool

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Brooks I looked down at Rye and shook my head. Damn i***t. He should've known better. “Happy with yourself?” He sneered at me. “You're a damned i***t, Rye. You should know better than to f**k with Jonah. You know he's put you down several times. And you being the i***t you are, you just had to push him further this time.” “f**k off Brooks, he's just a goddamn farm boy. He's nothing like us, so why should he get the perks we deserve?” “He's our friend. We took him to Rye. He's one of us. And you know the rules, Rye, once one of us steaks a claim no one else can do s**t about it, even if you want to.” “I don't give a s**t Brooks. I don't even give a flying f**k if he saw her first. I want her, and I'm going to have her.” “Your funeral.” “Whatever. Jonah doesn't scare me.” “Have you

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