Hate You! Pt 3

1024 Words

He knocked on the head teacher’s door. “Enter.” He opened the door, closing it behind him. “You wanted to see me sir?” “I did. Mr Collymore. Please take a seat.” He did as he had been asked. The head of the school looked at him disappointingly. “I’m disappointed in you, Mr Collymore. I had high hopes for you once you began here, and after you promised you wouldn’t bully another student, yet you, were here because you’ve done exactly that.” “I haven’t, sir.” “I believe you have Mr Collymore. You want to know why I believe this?” “No sir.” he gulped. “Because the student you decided to bully is no longer here.” He c****d his brow. He had bullied a lot of kids while he was here, but one stood out: Ari the Angel in his darkness. “I don’t condone bullying or violence in any way shape o

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