I Messed Up Again! Pt 2

1117 Words

She smiled. “I forgive you. But promise me you’ll never do anything like this ever again.” “I promise.” I leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead softly. “I promise I’ll keep you safe from guys like Rye.” “But, am I safe from you?” I grinned. “Guess you’ll have to find out.” She nodded. “I guess I will.” “I’m here for you buttercup. If you need to talk about anything, and I mean anything you can. I’ll always listen. Even if it’s about what happened to you at your old school. And the reason why you don’t like the populars.” “I’d rather not talk about it.” “Whenever you’re ready.” She nodded. “You better freshen up, Levi wants us down for supper.” “Levi’s home?” I grinned. “He is, he’s upset you ignored him on the way in.” “Fuck.” I chuckled. “ I’ll come back for you in an

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