New Friends Better Friends

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Kaos I couldn't help but grin. Aid was a trooper no one, and I mean no one had ever stood up to Corston that way before. They'd told him flat out they weren't interested, but never the way Aid had. He had fallen on his face, well ass technically speaking. I can't believe the nerve of the guy, I can, actually. He thinks he owns every person in this school. That's how I've lost many recruits, because he owns every person in this school. That's how I've lost many recruits f**k knows what the f**k face has ever offered them, but they went willingly. Aid had proven to be a great asset to our little gang, and I was right. My pretty boy had some balls sticking up to Corston like that. I had no choice but to pull him away even though I would've gladly watched him beat the living s**t out of Cor

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