Chapter 1: Loving the omega

1490 Words
Raya's POV (eighteen years old) "Remi slow down. You know i can't keep up. Where are we even going?" He grabbed onto my hand. "To the caves, there's a watering hole that's inside that feels like a hot tub." "You sure we won't get caught? You know how your dad feels about you and Meghan hanging out with me." He rolled his eyes. "When have I ever cared what my dad thought. But no, Raya, we won't get caught. No one knows about this place. It's just ourtside the border." I froze. "You're taking me on rogue land? Remi, that is the stupidest thing you've ever done. You're going to get us killed." "Raya, I'll never let anything happen to you ever. I promise we're safe." I hesitated for a second. I knew Remi meant what he said. He was one of my best friends. If he said i was safe, then it must best be true. "Okay." We had to go through a thick wooded area. I felt my legs and arms getting scratched up. I now understood why we couldn't go in wolf form. We wouldn't fit. When we finally got through all the bushes and overgrown, well, everything there was a stunning cave with vines and flowers running down the side. It was the most beautiful place i've ever seen. He grabbed onto my hand again. "Come on, it's just through here." He wasn't kidding about it being inside the cave. We walked through the cave for what seemed like ages when we came through a slight clearing. I looked up to see a large hole in the ceiling of the cave. You could see trees and vines above us. The water was so blue and almost turquoise in color. I lied before. This was hands down the most beautiful place. I dipped my toes in. The water really did feel like a hot tub. The water was so warm. Remi took off his shirt, leaving him in nothing but his swim trunks. He was beyond handsome like most Alphas. He had curly dark brown hair, blue eyes that you could get lost in, and muscles that every guy wishes they had. He was pretty perfect looking. He jumped in the water, making a huge splash. I quickly took off my clothes. I was just grateful he gave me a heads up about wearing a swimsuit. I only owned one, and it wasn't the most flattering thing. It was an all black one piece. It went lower in the back, but that was probably the most flattering thing about it. I followed suit and jumped in. We swam for a while. Remi's birthday was next week, and i knew he was pretty nervous about fighting his mate. I, however, turned 19 at midnight. Hence why he took me out here for a surprise. I was hoping i was mated to someone in the pack. If i got lucky enough, he would be a warrior, and he would be able to support our family here in the pack. That way, i could go down to working part-time in the kitchen and raise the many kids i dreamed of having. Remi broke the silence that took over us. "Are you nervous?" "Hmm, about what ?" "Finding your mate, silly." "Not really, i just hope it's a warrior here so i can stay near my dad. He hasn't been doing well since my mom died." He looked down with sad eyes. "I know, Raya." I cleared my throat. "What about you? You turn nineteen soon. Are you excited? Is there anyone you're hoping for as a mate?" "Yeah, there's one girl im hoping for." "Well, just make sure she will be a good Luna. i don't want one that will be cruel to us." He seemed gulity all of sudden. "Raya about that. I dont plan on taking over as Alpha. Im going to wait until after my birthday. Mostly because I just have to know something, and then i plan on taking off and taveling. I want to see the world. I want to travel to Brazil, Italy, Africa, and anywhere else i can think of. I want to see it all." I was beyond shocked to hear this. "What will your dad say?" "He will hate it. Mom already supports it and gave me the funds in a secret account to do it. You know how my dad can be." Yeah, i did. He was a complete hard ass who didn't want his kids socializing with any of the omegas. "What about your kid, brother? Will he take over?" "I'm not sure if dad will let him. He's already showing signs of being pretty weak for an Alphas son. He blaims it on my mother. Her dad was an alpha, but her mother was an omega. You know how he feels about that." Yeah, i really did. I felt bad for his mother and our Luna. She was so kind, and you could just tell how unhappy she truly has been. I felt a link coming in from my dad. "Raya, it's time to get back here. The king and his son are coming tomorrow they're wanting everyone to start preparing." I linked back. "Im on my way." I looked over at Remi. "King and his son are coming tomorrow. I have to go back. Let's just hope they're not already looking for me." Remi practical shouted. "Raya, go away with me." I snorted. "You know that i can't. For one, i dont have the kind of money, and second, i dont want to become a rogue. You know your dad will declare me one if i dont do my part." He looked disappointed. "Right." Remi's POV I took her here to tell her how i felt about her. I've been in love with her our whole lives. I've just been way too scared to tell her. She never saw me more than a friend. I mean, how could she when she was raised to believe that omegas usually dont get mated to Alphas. My dad keeps it a big secret about my grandmother being an omega. I only told Raya so she could see that it did happen. I've prayed every day that i would be mated to her so she could just see that it's possible. I just dont see her giving me a chance if we're not fated mates. I was working up the nerve to tell her my feelings when she got a link. When she said she had to go, i started to panic and pratcially shouted at her. It wasn't the most gracious moment. I ended up not telling her that i loved her and I wanted her to be mine fated mate or not. But the only thing that came out was her going away with me. She turned it down immediately, and i knew i couldn't argue with her because she was right. My dad wouldn't miss the beat of making her a rogue if she left. She wrapped her arm into mine and laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed the side of her head like i did many times. I just wish we could be so much more than just this. How can you love someone since you were pups and have them not know? I just dont get how she doesn't see it. We went separate ways the moment we got close to the pack house. We didn't want to take the chance of anyone seeing us and telling my dad. He would just be even bigger pain in my ass than he already is. I walked into the pack house, and im instantly dragged into a room by my arm. I looked to see who the culprit was. "Mom, what the hell?" She scowled me. "That is no way to talk to you, mother. Remi, why on earth are you wet? Please tell me you didn't go on rogue land again." I gave a guilty smile. "I swear i didn't." She rolled her eyes at me. I knew she clearly didn't believe me. "Remi, your dad wants to announce you as the next Alpha tomorrow. He wants you to take over very soon. You have to tell him your plans and before tomorrow when he does it in front of the King. Please don't embarrass your dad. You know how he gets." "Okay, okay, i will." "He won't forgive you if you make him look like an ass in front of the King. He won't be here until the afternoon, so you should have some time in the morning or after lunch. Just get it done." "I will, mom." She grazed my cheek. "I love you, my sweet boy. I hope you get everything you've always wanted... Including Raya." I was shocked she knew about that. She gave me a small smirk and walked away.
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