1032 Words

Xander was sleeping on the couch with his mouth wide open. Saliva escaped from his mouth and rolled into his ear. "Ah!" He screamed and rolled on the couch, falling to the floor with a loud thud, with his face against the floor. He groaned and got up from the floor, holding his face in pain. "Melody, get me some coffee." He said subconsciously, but he got no response from her. His brow furrowed. "Melody." He called out to her and slowly opened his eyes. The living room was unkempt and there were a lot of dirty things laying around; pizza wrappers, bottles of soda, and his clothes. He shook his head. He hadn’t seen his apartment in a condition like this before, because Melody always took care of it. "Jesus Christ!" He shouted as he stepped on a pizza wrap. "What happened here last nigh

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