1038 Words

Spike trailed Melody’s scent to the room and ran into the room. He stood close to the huge bed in the room and turned to look for Melody. She was already standing in front of the room. She waved at him. He barked aggressively, running toward the door. She shut the door, muffling the sound of his barks. "Phew! Finally, I got past him." She thought, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She looked around the empty corridor and started running down to the painting of Pablo Escobar. She arrived in front of the painting and started touching every edge of the painting in haste, looking for the button that would open it. Her hand finally landed on the gun. After a minute of panicking, she pressed the button and the wall opened for her. She dashed into the room without wasting time. She headed stra

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