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I had no choice but to listen to him. Although I am fearless, the one person I feared the most was my father because he used to be the leader of a gangster group and had connections with bad guys all over Miami. Dave came in and handed me another phone. I took it and talked to my client for a few minutes. Suddenly, the woman I had just hired to be my new prostitute rushed into the room naked to meet me. Her body was covered in semen, and her legs were shaking. Her wrists were sore, as if she had been handcuffed. I could see that they did a great job. She stood in front of me, panting. Dave was not surprised to see her naked because he was used to his job. He always tried his best to control his enthusiasm around women because he didn’t want to lose his job. I asked him not to have s*x while he was working, so he wouldn't be distracted. She was shaking as she stood. "They did a great job," I remarked as the men who had been having s*x with her made their way into my office. They were also naked, and their bodies were covered in sweat. "Money," I said, extending my hand to Dave. He quickly ran around my desk, and I heard the sound of the drawer opening and closing. He handed me two stacks of money. I took them from him and used the money to fan myself a little bit. The woman's eyes shook as she eyed the money. I could tell she was desperate for money from the moment she had contacted me through an ad I posted online, looking for new prostitutes for my pimp business. I already had three hundred women, and I still needed more. The more women, the more money. I tossed the first stack to one of the guys, and it hit him on the forehead. "What’s your name again?" I asked the girl. She gulped and looked up at me in a shy way. "What was that?" I inquired. "What?" she asked, confused. "The way you just behaved; that is not allowed here," I said, jumping down from my desk. "If you want to work with me, you should be confident," I said, lifting her chin so she could look at me. "Because you are not just going to get f****d; you are also required to f**k the clients too," I said to her, and she nodded. "I-I will do my best, boss," she said. "Call me Queen," I told her, and handed the money to the other guy. He kissed the money. That was my first investment because I knew this woman could make me money. "My name is Melody," she said. "Such a sweet name for a lovely woman," I told her, and she smiled widely. The first thing about my pimp business was that I made sure I kept the identities of my women secret for my safety. If they committed a crime under me, I couldn't be caught. "Are you ready to sign the contract?" I asked her, and she nodded obediently. "Yes, Queen," she said in a sweet tone. Dave placed the contract on my desk with a pen. "Now sign it," I said. She moved closer to the desk and grabbed the pen. "What are you guys waiting for? Go!" I yelled at the guys; they were among my male prostitutes. I only had fifty male prostitutes. I turned around to see Kate, or whatever her name was, signing the contract while she moved her blonde hair from side to side. She had no idea she was signing her life away to me. "Do you have a sibling?" I asked, placing my hand on her back. "Yes," she answered. "How many? Male or female?" I inquired. "One, and he is a male," she said. "How old is he?" I asked. "Um, he is about thirty-three years old," she answered, interesting. I knew she was wondering why I was asking about her sibling. She finished signing the papers and closed them, handing them to me. I took them from her and went through the papers to make sure she had signed all the necessary places. She started tapping her foot on the floor continuously, avoiding my gaze. "Take this, Dave," I said as I handed him the paper. He took it from me and started going through it. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No, no… I was just wondering when I was going to start, you know, working," she said. "Oh, that’s not a big deal. You can start tomorrow morning. I will get clients ready for you. You should go home and take care of yourself," I said. "Really?" she asked in a happy tone. "Yes," I answered. She moved closer to me and grabbed my hand, shaking it. "Thanks, Queen," she beamed. "You are welcome. I don’t do handshakes," I replied with a toothy grin. "Oh, sorry," she apologized, scratching the back of her head. "Dave, see her out," I told him and sat down at my desk. I picked up my phone and dialed Calvin's number. His phone was ringing in the background, but he didn’t pick up my call. It was quite strange. He never dared to ignore my calls! I tried calling him a few more times, but he didn’t pick up my call. I was just f*****g horny after watching those guys f**k Melody, and I also wanted to get laid. I didn’t want to ask Dave to have s*x with me. I had to go to him. I was trying my best to be loyal to him. I packed my black hair into a ponytail with a rubber band and stared at myself on the screen of my phone. I looked amazing, and my red lipstick complimented my beautiful face. I was about to jump down from the desk when an incoming call popped up on the screen. It was a call from my mother. "Don't give her money!" I heard my father's voice in my head. I felt like I was going insane. Damn! Maybe that’s why she was calling me. I switched off my phone and started walking out of my office. I wondered where my bodyguards were.
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