
1063 Words
Hailey slowly opened the door and walked in, her feet unsure and untrained. The house was covered in dark grey all over, allowing not even an ounce of light in. Ceiling to floor windows were all around the house, spanning from the downstairs where she was, and then upstairs. However, it was all covered in dark grey drapes and none of the sunlight from outside filtered in. She swallowed, taking in the entire place. Large staircase that spiraled upstairs, with two wolf statues at the end of the railings. She swallowed as she took in the living room, then the rooms upstairs. Slowly, she walked to the first window, and pulled open the drapes. Sunlight immediately filtered in, illuminating the rather grey house. Slowly, she opened it all up, then sat on the nearest couch, her hands on her lap. She wasn't sure where to go, since it was her first time here. For the millionth time, she questioned herself if she really belonged here. Suddenly, a knock came on the door, and she stood up. Before she could get to it, however the door opened, and Alpha Morales stepped in. His eyes were half closed, and he stumbled forward, only clumsily managing to close the door behind him. "Alpha?" He looked up to her, then took in a deep breath. "Oh. It's the mate." She bit down on her lips, but said nothing, her hands clasping in front of her. He peeled himself off the door, then slowly moved further in. His feet seemed clumsy, and he tripped on the large sofa. Hailey came forward, holding him up just in time. "You are drunk." He looked up to her, then burst into laughter, gently pushing her away from him. "I know. How is that any of your business, though?" She swallowed. "You brought me here. You brought me here as your mate, have you forgotten that?" "Mate?" He laughed again, then stumbled towards one of the opened drapes. "The hell do you think you are? Mate? Me?" "You marked me. How many times do I..." "And how many f*****g times have wolves been marked? How many f*****g times have they gone unmated?" Before she could say a word, he roughly pulled at one of the opened drapes, bringing the entire thing to the floor. Hailey gasped as she felt tears start to pool in her eyes. "What do you think? That you would come here, take the place beside me and become Luna? Very funny. Because to me, you will only forever remain as a mistake. A f*****g mistake!" "And you think you were any better? This mark, me being here, for me too. It is all a damning mistake! All a mistake!" "Don't you dare say that to me," he said, his breaths short. He moved forward, grabbing a large figurine off the coffee table. She moved backwards, her fists clenched. He sat back on a couch, his hand coming to his forehead. "I never knew you were such a heavy drinker," she said against her own self. "I will make a broth..." "To hell with that!" He yelled, throwing the figurine towards the glass window. It struck it and then shattered hard with a loud noise, causing Hailey to flinch as the glass shattered everywhere. "Don't you dare act like you are some saint. Don't you dare act like some savior. The moon goddess abandoned me years ago. I don't need her mate bond, or your pity." Hailey said nothing, bringing her hand to wipe the tears away. She felt her heart break, her body slightly trembling. He gave out a loud sigh, then leaned back on the couch, his lips slightly parted. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, his fists clenched. Hailey stood there for a long while, her breath faltering as she watched Alpha Morales. With slow, determined steps, she moved away to the broken glass, then packed it all up. She moved towards the door, then threw it out. With a small sigh, she came back to one of the couches, then sat, her eyes blinking slowly. Alpha Morales turned slowly, slightly falling on his side, a small groan leaving his lips. His arm dangled on to the side, and he moved till he was only half on the couch. Hailey gave a small sigh, then crossed over to him and leaned to his height. She moved him so he would adjust, and then moved his arms onto the couch. His fingers suddenly clasped around hers, his grip tight. "Don't go," he said, his voice breathy. "I won't live without you." Hailey's brows furrowed. She knew it wasn't meant for her, but then she wondered who it would be for. Alpha Morales went through girls all the time, never anything long term. So who could he not live without? She tried to pull her hand out of his grip, but it only got tighter. She swallowed, then moved so she was comfortable, then leaned her head on the side of the couch he was lying on. Soon, she drifted off to sleep, the fatigue of last night and the morning finally getting to her. Alpha Morales stirred, the bright sunset rays filtering into the room. He moved, then tried to close his eyes, but his hand was stuck on something. He leaned forward, and Hailey was sitting on the floor, her head rested on the couch. He was holding her hand in his, their fingers intertwined. Slowly, he moved away, removing her hands from his. She stirred, then moved, her head raising to meet his eyes. "What are you doing here?" She swallowed, then moved away. "I came to help you adjust and you..." He moved away, then stood up, his hands going to his hair. "Take the room on the right upstairs." He started to walk away, when Hailey straightened. "Archer?" His brows furrowed as he turned to her. "What did you just call me?" "Archer," she said simply. "Your first name is Archer. I will call you that." "Why?" "Because, Archer...mistake or not.. You still chose me out of hundreds. I am not going to let that pass me by." Alpha Morales's eyes squinted, as he turned his body to her, his lips curling in a dark smirk. "We'll see." "I guess we will, Archer." Without another word, he walked away, his jaw slightly clenching.
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