Act Six

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(The next morning) (In our room) (A knock on the door woke Ricky up) Ricky - come in Liam -(entered)good morning daddy,Is Anty and Rhewa still sleeping Ricky - yes(he carried Rhewa and placed her on his body,he pulled me into his arms,he covered our body) Ifeoluwa -(I touched his chest)hmmm(I rubbed it,I bit him and his my face in his chest) Ricky - naughty girl,how was your night son Liam - fine dad Ricky - come seat (He sat beside his dad) Liam - daddy is mommy coming Ricky - I don't know she hasn't called me yet Ifeoluwa - (I opened my eyes) do you need something from her Liam - no I just miss her Ifeoluwa - she will come soon Rhewa - dada Ricky - yes angel (he raised her up to face him) Ifeoluwa - what do you want to eat (I sat up) Liam - scrambled eggs and bacon, pancakes with honey Ifeoluwa - will you eat that love Ricky - sure you can prepare fruit salad for me too Ifeoluwa - okay babies(I kissed his lips and went to the kitchen) (He took the baby carrier,placed Rhewa inside it) Ricky - let's go downstairs (In the kitchen) Ricky - we are here to help Liam - yes anty Ifeoluwa - Liam go and watch cartoons thank you baby(I pecked his forehead,he left smiling) Ricky - hmmm,you know I won't go no matter what you say Ifeoluwa - I won't bother trying (He carried the fruit bowl,he took a board and a knife and started to chop the fruits,he gave Rhewa a fruit) Liam - it's so lonely in the living room,I want to work Ifeoluwa - fine,wear a apron(I gave him a crate of eggs and two bowls) break 6 eggs inside each bowl,one for pancakes,one for scrambled eggs Liam - yeah work Rhewa - mama Ifeoluwa - no my angel,your brother will do all the work for you (Ricky and Liam looked at me surprised) Ifeoluwa - what,he is her brother Liam - thanks Godmother (he hugged me and started to cry) Ifeoluwa - why are you crying Liam - I thought I would never fit into your perfect family Ifeoluwa - you are part,you are my son too Ricky - thanks babe,I love you Ifeoluwa - I love you more,now everyone get back to work Ricky - yes ma'am ( We finished cooking,we all brushed,bathed,we all dressed for our respective place of work,we ate breakfast) Ricky - I have to go now,I love you three so much (he kissed me for a long time,he pecked Liam and Rhewa's forehead,he left) Ifeoluwa - let's go Liam - yes Godmother (I dropped Liam at his new school,I got down to sign all the necessary documents,I pecked him and left for work) (At his new school) (In his class) Teacher - we have a new student,Liam Wilson,sit with Melanie,I hope you make him feel special and welcomed,you may sit (He sat down) Boy 1 - what are your parents jobs,cause your shoes and bags don't look cheap,they are customized) Liam - my Godmother made it for me Boy 1 - Godmother what of your mom and dad Liam - my dad is on a business trip and my mom is working Boy 2 - jobs Liam - my dad is a business man his name is Ricky Wilson and my mom is Madeline Damskey Boy 1 - I know your dad but never heard of your mom Liam - my Godmother is Ifeoluwa Opeyemi Boy 1 - I know her too,she is looking for a kid to promote her new kids collection Liam - she picked me Melanie - do you have a spare pencil Liam - yes,take Melanie - thanks Boy 2 - you sound cool,I am Philip,this is Daniel and Josh Liam - hi (They had fun,closing soon arrived,I came to pick him up) Philip - hi Mrs Wilson I am Philip, Liam's new classmate Ifeoluwa - hey kiddo,Liam your sister is calling you and your ice cream is in the car,do you want ice cream Philip - yeah sure (I gave him) Mrs Morgan - Philip Philip - yes mom (She came over ) Mrs Morgan - oh,we have a group chat today at 6pm, please join Ifeoluwa - okay bye (At Home) Ifeoluwa - how was your first day at your new school Liam - wonderful Godmother Ifeoluwa - call me mom Liam - mom Ifeoluwa - and when your mom is around call me Godmother Liam - deal (My phone rang) Ifeoluwa - (I dropped Rhewa with her brother and went to our room) (In our room) Ricky - 📞.........hey baby Ifeoluwa - 📞........hi love Ricky - 📞 was your day Ifeoluwa - 📞.......very stressful,I kept receiving calls about the child for the brand I told them I already have one,how was yours Ricky - 📞.........sorry love,not so stressful but we haven't resolved the problem yet Ifeoluwa - 📞 will love Ricky - 📞.......I just hope soon so I get back to kissing and cuddling you,how are the kids Ifeoluwa - 📞........they are fine,they are in the living room,I am in our room,Liam made a new friend today Ricky - 📞....... interesting Ifeoluwa - 📞.........I know his mom from the circle Ricky - 📞 haven't joined them in a while Ifeoluwa - 📞......they have a meeting at 6pm,video call (The door opened revealing Liam carrying Rhewa) Liam - mom we are hungry and Rhewa won't stop crying Ifeoluwa - come here my love,do you want to see daddy Rhewa - yes (I switched to video call) Ifeoluwa - Liam take let me go and prepare dinner for you my darlings Rhewa - dada(she touched the screen) Ricky - V📞........hi angel,hi son how was your day Liam - V📞.......fine daddy,make sure to bring lots of gifts for us Ricky - V📞.......sure thing son Rhewa - V📞.......dada(sobs)dada Ricky - V📞........oh my angel,daddy isn't coming back till Saturday Rhewa - V📞........dada come now Ricky - V📞..........angel daddy is really busy but I will try to speed up my work to come tomorrow Rhewa - V📞.......... okay Liam - V📞............daddy I made new friends today,they said I am cool and Godmother said I can call her mom Ricky - V📞............she did Liam - V📞..............yes dad Ifeoluwa - kids dinner Liam - V📞.............daddy we want to go and eat Ifeoluwa - (I collected my phone)V📞..........bye boo(I ended the call) (We ate dinner,I set my laptop and got ready for the mom's meeting,they called I picked up) Mrs Angeles - V📞..........long time no see Mrs Wilson - V📞...........(scoffs) what is the meeting about Mrs Morgan - V📞.........we mothers have all discussed and in wealth range you are richest among the circle,your wealth has beat Mrs Angeles wealth so in honor of all mom's we name you president Mrs Wilson - V📞...........but I don't want to be president Mrs Williams - V📞........... it's the rule and Mrs Angeles vice president Mrs Wilson - V📞..........fine,so is that all Mrs Williams - V📞,we are having a fundraiser at the kids school next week Friday,we have to plan Mrs Wilson - V📞........ what is it about Mrs Morgan - V📞......... raising funds for orphanages,we are baking cookies, buying drinks,sweets and the children will be dancing, singing and all sorts of talents Mrs Williams - V📞..........yes and we need to go to the school inform the kids tomorrow Rhewa - mama Mrs Wilson - yes baby(I carried her) what of your brother Rhewa - there Mrs Williams - V📞......your children are so cute Mrs Wilson - V📞.......thanks Rhewa - (yawns) Mrs Wilson - V📞.......... excuse me,I want to tuck my children to sleep (I stood up) Liam you will sleep beside me this night (I put Rhewa in her crib after reading her a bedtime story)I am back,so where were we,you are planning on holding a fundraiser at YSA right Mrs Angeles - V📞...........yes president (said sarcastically) Mrs Wilson - V📞.......... okay,I have to go,see you all tomorrow, meeting comes to an end(I ended the call,my phone rang it was hubby) Ifeoluwa - 📞.........hey baby just the person I needed to talk to Ricky - 📞............. anything the matter Ifeoluwa - 📞, nothing is wrong Ricky - 📞 was the mom's meeting Ifeoluwa - 📞............speaking of mom's meeting they made me president Ricky - 📞,how come Ifeoluwa - 📞...........they said in wealth range I am the richest among the circle so they made me president and Mrs Angeles vice president Ricky - 📞 must have really sting her Ifeoluwa - 📞 did but I am richer sha Ricky - 📞 baby I am really proud of you Ifeoluwa - 📞............ thanks babe I won't have gotten here without your supper Ricky - 📞........ that's what husbands are for and you have been a really supportive wife to me,I really love you baby Ifeoluwa - 📞.........I love you more baby Liam - mommy it's time for bed Ifeoluwa - 📞........ good night darling bye (Lights out 🌌🌌)
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