Act Eight

1471 Words
(Maddie did really grant for full custody) (A few days later) ( In court) Judge - Miss Damskey,give me a reason why I should give you this in full custody Maddie - well he is my son,I raised him for eleven years,he didn't help Judge - mind responding to that Mr Wilson,why didn't you help Ricky - because she never told me,she kept him from me for eleven years Judge - why Miss Damskey Maddie - because I knew he was going to take him away from me Liam - no that's not what you told me,you said you want to go meet him but you are scared of his wife laughing at you because you need financial aid and dad didn't take me away from you,you abandoned me,to do what,to be alone,to be free from me right,well there you have it,you are free mother Judge - I think the child just said it all,you abandoned him Miss Damskey and his father was there for him,even though you raised him for 11 years you still left him,so this case has come to an end,it is with great pleasure that I announce Mr Wilson full custody of the child,I rest my case (he leaves) (At home) Liam - mom,my friends are coming over Ifeoluwa - a girl or a boy Liam - a girl and some boys Ifeoluwa - what should I prepare for them Liam - we will just eat fruit salad Ifeoluwa - okay son let me go and prepare it (A knock on the door) (I opened it,she pushed me and I fell) Ricky - what the f**k (he helped me up) Liam - what do you want, please my friends are coming don't ruin my mood, just go Ricky - you heard him, what do you want Maddie - I want my son back Ricky - you can't have him,I was given full custody Maddie - he is still my son Ricky - if you knew you couldn't win,why did you file for full custody Maddie - I will be back and I will make your family a living hell Ifeoluwa - empty threats Maddie - you will see( leaves) (A few hours later, Liam's friends from school came including the girl he has a crush on) (I opened the door for them) Ifeoluwa - Liam is in his room,up the stairs,the second room on the right ( They went upstairs) Ricky - (he hugged me from behind) Ifeoluwa - (chuckles) Ricky - (he kissed my shoulder blade,he pulled me closer to him) Ifeoluwa - (I could feel his erection on my butt,moans) Rhewa - no(she came in between us) Ricky - I think it's time I called Grandma for you,cause you always interuppt Rhewa - I am too cute to be ignored right mommy Ifeoluwa - yes my love (I crouched to her level and pulled her cheek playfully,I carried her) let's go play Rhewa - come on daddy, let's go to our room (In Liam's room) Daniel - your room is massive, where is your game room Liam - there,and that is my cinema,walk in closet and other room sha Melanie - I have something to tell you Liam Liam - yes Melanie - I am dating Philip,I am sorry,hope you are not mad Liam - no I am not,I am fine(but deep down his heart shattered into a million pieces) it's fine, let's continue our homework Daniel - sure, majority of what the teacher gave us I hardly understand Philip - I am sorry dude Liam - it's fine,you can't always get what you want, let's start the homework if we want to finish on time (They started their homework,when they finished,they had time to play) (In the game room) (Melanie kept glancing at Liam but he never for once looked back at her even though he noticed it) (I came to his room) Ifeoluwa - kids it's late,your drivers are here Daniel - okay Mrs Wilson Philip - thanks Mrs Wilson Melanie - bye Liam (They left) Ifeoluwa - what's that look Liam - the girl I liked was actually interested in my best friend Ifeoluwa - it's normal baby,what do you want, anything to cheer you up Liam - I am fine mom, its just a crush with time I will lose it all Ifeoluwa - awwnnn,my baby's first heartbreak Liam - mom Ifeoluwa - (I hugged him) I remember my first heartbreak Liam - who caused it Ifeoluwa - your daddy Liam - that means you and Daddy go way back Ifeoluwa - yes baby right from high school Liam - that's 15 years 2 months Ifeoluwa - yes baby,we have been together for a really long time,we have been through some ups and downs,we have fought,I slapped your dad twice(we both laughed) Ricky - I was wondering where my darlings are,why are you laughing Liam - mom is telling me about the time she slapped you twice Ricky - oh that,I was dating Maddie then and she got so jealous that she slapped me Rhewa - smile Liam - (he carried her) I will Ifeoluwa - it wasn't like that,your dad said why am I so obsessed with him and then he tried kissing me Ricky - yes but now I can kiss you anyhow and anywhere I want (he pecked my lips) Liam - (laughs) I feel much better, thanks mom Ifeoluwa - you are welcome honey (The next few days at YSA,Liam started to ignore Melanie,she was hurt but she couldn't show it) (A day after school, everyone has left,Liam was still packing his bag, Melanie waited behind to talk to Liam) Melanie - Liam why have you been avoiding me Liam - (ignores her) Melanie - Liam(she touched him) Liam - yes Melanie - why are you avoiding me,it is starting to get too much Liam - I don't want to fight with Philip,he is your boyfriend Melanie - Liam I know you are still mad at me Liam - no,I don't keep grudges Melanie - Liam Liam - it's fine, seriously now stop making it hard for me to lose feelings for you cause I want to,after everything I have done for you,you hurt me in return, thanks thou,you just proofed to me what a gold digging slut you are Melanie - (sobs and leaves) Liam - (sighs and follows her) (Outside) Ifeoluwa - what's wrong Liam - nothing mom(he entered the car) Ifeoluwa - (I looked at Melanie,she was shedding tears as she entered her mom's car) Liam - mom let's go (I entered the car,the ride home was really quiet,as soon as we reached home,he went upstairs to his room) Ricky - what's wrong with him Ifeoluwa - I don't know but I saw Melanie crying Ricky - let me go meet him (He went upstairs,he knocked on the door) (He talked to Liam,few days later Liam and Victoria started dating) (At School) Daniel - dude is it true Liam - yes(laughs) Daniel - I thought my two friends were going to keep fighting over one girl Liam - no I have moved on(he placed his arm on Victoria's waist) Philip - congratulations Melanie - I need to use the restroom Philip - okay babe (She leaves) Victoria - me too Liam - no don't go and look for trouble Victoria - (grumbles,she pecked his cheek) Daniel - so I am the only single one among the group Philip - obviously,dude I heard you called Melanie a gold digging slut Daniel - that's harsh Liam - that's in the past,can we please move on from that Melanie - seriously,do you think everyone is a fool,just because I am dating your best friend,you got so jealous and started dating the weirdest girl in class Liam - she isn't weird at least she doesn't hug guys thighs for a living Philip - guy that's enough Liam - you really cross the line Melanie,you must have really prepared yourself for that speech, Philip can you just quit the acting,look Melanie Philip - don't Liam Liam - it's been 3 days Daniel - yeah I want pain and agony,I will do the honor or will you Philip Philip - I, Daniel and Liam made a bet well technically it was I and Daniel,we just assumed Liam was in on it because he didn't say anything because he was in love with you,we made a bet a few weeks ago that I would make you fall in love with me and date me Daniel - so you agreed and hurt Liam's feelings,you are a goner girl, you need deliverance,you are cute and pretty but you don't have brain Melanie - Liam Philip - he wasn't involved Melanie - Philip what did I do to you (Continuation in the final act)

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