Act three

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(The following morning) (I got dressed for the inter house sport,our sports wear was a very sexy tracksuit) (At School) Ifeoluwa - you are early Ricky - I came to help you set up Dotun - hi Ricky (flips her hair) Mariam - it's been so long Shile - brother Ricky (she hugged him) Ricky - you seem excited Shile - I am,she hasn't told you Ricky - told me what Shile - nvm Ricky - baby tell me Ifeoluwa - it's nothing Ricky - baby Ifeoluwa - (I pecked his lips) come and seat Ricky - don't worry Ifeoluwa - (kisses him) Master Wilson - well done Ifeoluwa - hey Uncle,vip seats Master Wilson - thanks my dear Ricky - dad I want to kiss her Ifeoluwa - (I kissed him) (2 days after the inter house sports) (We were on a vacation for three months,I,shile and Ricky planned to go to Paris for the vacation after pleading with our parents for a long time,they accepted after giving a Stern warning to I and Ricky that no rubbish,we left for the vacation) (3 months later) (We returned from Paris,back to school) (In School) (We had a new student who walked majestically into the school,all the attention shifted to her,soon I and Shile entered,all the attention shifted from her to us, everyone was asking me questions about my holiday) Ifeoluwa - I went to Paris for the holiday Girl 1 - you are so lucky,I had to work in my mom's bakery all day I hardly had any break Ifeoluwa - (chuckles) everyone starts from somewhere, don't give up,I brought something for every single one,the gifts are from me and Shile enjoy,give them Rachel - Rachel, Rachel Evans Ifeoluwa - oh I have heard of you from Ricky before Rachel - you know Ricky Ifeoluwa - yeah he is my boyfriend and this is his sister Rachel - so you are the one, what's your surname Ifeoluwa - Opeyemi,the one and only Rachel - oh damn Ifeoluwa - it's almost assembly,catch you later (At the assembly) Ifeoluwa - (I climbed the podium) hi everyone, welcome back to another session of work,you all saw your positions last year I hope you all put in your best this year,we are having new tryouts this year for cheerleaders for the upcoming football match for more information meet the coach,who is all excited for homecoming at the end of the term,I know all of you are (Everyone cheers), don't worry it will be fun,we have a new student among us. Rachel Evans, please welcome her as she comes to stage (She said a few words) all of you have a wonderful day, assembly dismissed (In the cafeteria) Ifeoluwa - hi Mrs Ogene Mrs Ogene - Ife how was your holiday Ifeoluwa - it was great (I opened my bag and brought out diamond earrings,I gave it to her ) Mrs Ogene - (she opened it) this is too much Shile - ah Mrs Ogene, it's for you,it was not worth much Mrs Ogene - (starts to cry) can I hug you girls Ifeoluwa - why not(she embraced us) you will make me cry too Shile - I too,well you have to get back to work so you won't get fired Ifeoluwa - I am starving (stomach grumbles) Mrs Ogene - (laughs) (We went to our seat,we ordered lunch, Rachel walked up to us,she sat down) Rachel - I am meant to be hanging around girls like you both,can I come over to your house after school,we might even be neighbors Shile - wow I am surprised Rachel - it's surprising Ifeoluwa - see you after school (At Home) Shile - bro we met Rachel,the girl who tried seducing you Ifeoluwa - she is our neighbor Ricky - I know (he embraced me) her dad called me,he sat me down,he said Ricky can't you see my daughter is gorgeous date her Ifeoluwa - dey play, someone who is only after fame and money Shile - she posted the pic she snapped with us,she is just like a replica,she copies you I am going through her account Ricky - I am craving for something else Ifeoluwa - what's that Ricky - your lips(he carried,placed me on the bed,he kissed me,as usual he gave me multiple love bites on both sides of my neck) my sign don't wash it off Ifeoluwa - baby Ricky - you are horny right Ifeoluwa - yes I am horny but I will just take a shower (A knock on the door) Shile - come in (A maid entered) Maid 1 - young mistresses,your friend from school is here Ifeoluwa - name Maid 1 - Rachel Ifeoluwa - put her in the lounge outside Maid 1 - okay ma'am ife (she left) Shile - she isn't late Ifeoluwa - I am quite sure she is filled with colon Ricky - change from the uniform it's rough Ifeoluwa - Ricky Ricky - yes love Ifeoluwa - can we bath together Ricky - (excitedly said yes,he carried me in bridal style) shile you too change (we took a shower as couples,we wore matching outfits,we went downstairs,Shile was already there) I want to watch a movie,bye(he pecked me) (I and Shile went to meet Rachel in the lounge outside) Rachel - what took you so long,I mean how are you (smiles) Ifeoluwa - (smirks) we just saw you in school just go straight to the point what do you want Rachel - I want Ricky,I am madly in love with him and I will deal with anyone standing in my way Shile - do you smell anything Ifeoluwa - yeah I smell failure (we highfived) get lost b***h (we stood up) show her the way out Rachel - Ricky (she shouted at the top of her voice,as they dragged her away) Shile - I feel disgusted,someone like her looking at my brother's abbs, something she can never touch Ricky - wow I am being praised Shile - no I never said any of those things Ifeoluwa - I am tired Ricky - let's swim (We had fun swimming,we played in the pool,our parents called us in,they told us they are going back to their house,we all vexed and left the living room) (Few weeks later) (Rachel has been acting like me since the day she came,I set up a beauty/cosmetics company during those few weeks ,she comes to school with gifts for everyone and she is trying to get on Mrs Ogene 's good side but they all noticed what she is doing,they started to gossip about her) (We had a new student) Alexander - hi I am Alexander but my friends call me Alex for short (he held my hand in his and pecked it) Ifeoluwa - okay (smiles) I am ifeoluwa but my friends call me ife for short Alex - (chuckles) I am a new student Ifeoluwa - let me show you around Alex - sure (A few days later,I and Alex became close,we talked about a lot of stuffs, sometimes he comes to my house) (At Home) (One day) Alexander - hi I am here to see ife Ricky - and you are Alexander - I am Alex,Ife's friend from school (he shooked hands with Ricky) you must be her elder brother nice to meet you Ifeoluwa - hi Alex Ricky - ( he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind) I am her boyfriend (he pecked my cheek) Ifeoluwa - (chuckles) baby, I have a project with Alex and Shile maybe later Ricky - kiss me first then I will release you Ifeoluwa - ( I turned in his arms and kissed him) Ricky - (he kissed me back) Ifeoluwa - ( I pulled back) later Ricky - fine(he left) Ifeoluwa - Shile Alex is here Shile - coming Alexander - so do you love him Ifeoluwa - who,my boyfriend,yeah a lot Alexander - okay (We did our experiment 🧪,we recorded ourselves while doing it ) (A knock on the door) Ricky - Alex my mom said I should ask would you stay for dinner Alexander - yeah sure Ricky - okay,babe can I steal you for 10 minutes Alexander - we are almost done Ifeoluwa - I will come join you Ricky - (leaves angrily) Ifeoluwa - finish up (In my room ) Ifeoluwa - Ricky what's wrong Ricky - I am jealous Ifeoluwa - (laughs) Ricky - do you know how I want to punish you,undress you and f**k you hardly Ifeoluwa - are you jealous of Alex Ricky - yes Ifeoluwa - but it's you I love don't be jealous of other guys ,there are not worth your time Ricky - since when did my baby become a motivational speaker Ifeoluwa - since I said that speech few weeks ago,now please let me finish my homework Ricky - sure (Lights out)
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