1887 Words

CHAPTER XVIII Was there ever such a voyage! This morning, when I came on deck, I found nobody at the wheel. It was a startling sight—the great Elsinore , by the wind, under an Alpine range of canvas, every sail set from skysails to try-sails and spanker, slipping across the surface of a mild trade-wind sea, and no hand at the wheel to guide her. No one was on the poop. It was Mr. Pike’s watch, and I strolled for’ard along the bridge to find him. He was on Number One hatch giving some instructions to the sail-makers. I awaited my chance, until he glanced up and greeted me. “ Good morning,” I answered. “And what man is at the wheel now?” “ That crazy Greek, Tony,” he replied. “ A month’s wages to a pound of tobacco he isn’t,” I offered. Mr. Pike looked at me wit

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