Chapter 19: Let's go home

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While Jin and Jungkook were still talking, the young man asked why he did not see Taehyung coming out of the kitchen. Jin frowned and then stood up, walked to the kitchen and met Namjoon on the way. "Did ----" "Jin, i think Taehyung is not feeling well. I found him pale earlier and then he ask if he can go first, I told him that I'll drop him but he insisted to go alone. Im worried for him. "Namjoon said with a worried voice. "Damn it, since we came back from the Maldives, he has become sad again." Jin said worriedly while looking for his phone and then calling his cousin. But he was even more worried that no one was answering on the other line. He look at where Jungkook's seat and saw him looking at them. Later he saw Jungkook took his phone. Jin approached him with Namjoon and told him about Taehyung. "He also doesn't answer my call, hyung. What if a --- "Jungkook, don't say that!" Jin suddenly interrupted what the young man was going to say. Jin heard Jungkook talking on the phone. "Goddamn it! I told you to follow him! Now you say he disappeared from your sight! If something bad happens to him, prepare yourself!" anger rages on Jungkook voice to the person on the other line. He hit the table where Namjoon and Jin as well as the customers who are currently eating were shocked. Jin calmed ihim down and a few minutes later he said goodbye to them. He drove quickly and went to Jin's house, thinking Taehyung was there. He was depressed when the guard said that the young man was not even coming home. He closed his eyes and sighed as it gripped the wheel tightly. He is full of worries and with the amount of bad ideas that come into his mind now, is not helping too, his mood gets heavier. His deep thought was interrupted when he heard the horn of the cars in behind his car and that added to the anger that he has now. He wanted to get off and strangle the driver but he ignored it, he thought it was more important for him to find Taehyung first, he took a deep breath then turned on the car. He called his brothers and asked them, just in case they saw the young man. Her mood tightened because a few hours later there was no sign of where the young man was. It makes him feel very sad and scared to think that something bad has happened to his boyfriend. He remembered Jimin so he called it. "Hello Mr. Jeon--" "Jimin, did you talk to Taehyung? Or do you know anyone or somewhere he can go except Jin hyung's house and his family's grave?" He immediately said interrupting what the person on the other line was going to say. "Go to his apartment maybe he will be there. " Jimin replied. Jungkook frowned when he heard, "Apartment?" He said hesitating. "Yes Mr. Jeon." Jimin's short answer, after saying thank you, Jungkook cut off the call and turned the car towards the apartment. After about a minute, he was in front of the building and then entered. He pressed the elevator, it opened and then hit the 3rd floor where Tae's apartment was. It made him wonder why the young man was here. The elevator rang and then it opened. He walked and now he was right in front of the door. Praying that his boyfriend would be here. He knocked a few times but no one answered. "Taehyung!" He said loudly while knocking. He doesn't care if it bothers anyone else, all he has on his mind right now is to see his loved one. "Damn it! Kim Taehyung! If you are inside, open this door before I destroy it!" He even shouted that it almost broke the vein in the neck. "Hey man, don't you know you're bothering here?" said the man coming out of the other door. Jungkook glared at him, balled his fist. "If you don't want me to ruin your face, get out of here!" he shouted angrily at the man. "Mr .. im sorry Mr. Jeon" said the man then bowed when he realised who the person in front of him. He hurriedly entered in fear of the young ceo. Jungkook made another loud knock and was about to knock again when he heard an approaching footstep from inside. "Who are you --- "Oh god, baby. You scared me, do you know that, huh?" Jungkook said immediately and hugged his boyfriend tightly. Taehyung's mind was shocked by what was happening to the young man when he suddenly rushed to the apartment. "Please, don't to do this again, okay. I will die of fear and worry about you, baby." He said while peppering a kiss on Taehyung's face. Taehyung could not utter a word and could not even move where he stood up. He thought why the young man was so scared at this time. His thought was interrupted when he feels the others lips on him. "i love you, baby" Jungkook said after he kissed her. The two were in that condition for a few minutes until Jungkook's phone rang. He looked at it before he answered and said he had found Taehyung. Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this and thanked before saying goodbye. Jungkook turned his attention back to the Taehyung and here he noticed his puffy eyes. He also noticed the photo frame he was holding and felt great sadness and grief in the depths of his heart. "I'm sorry, baby." He says that his voice almost shattered. He guided his boyfriend and they sat on the sofa. He took a glass of water and handed it to Taehyung. The young man took it but also laid it on the table and then looked at Jungkook. "How did you know I was here?" the first word that came out of his mouth. "Jimin" He said shortly. "that midget" Taehyung whispered but Jungkook still heard clearly. He chukled on the name Taehyung gave his friend. "I thought someone else lived here, baby?" said jungkook, looking at his boyfriend's face that was focused on emptiness. "Tae ... baby ..." "Ah yes? Mr. Je- Jungkook?" Taehyung said without realising what he was saying. "oh sorry Jungkook." He added when he saw the glint of concern on his Jungkook's face. Jungkook approached then gently pulled him and sat him on his lap, while one hand was around his petit waist and the other was resting on Taehyung's lap. While the young man's hands spontaneously hugged Jungkook's neck and his head rested on his chest. "I'm sorry, Kookie" he said sobbing. Jungkook was suddenly worried when he heard Taehyung sobbing, so he hugged him tightly but full of love. He caresses his back and continues to whisper sweet words. Taehyung was calm for a few minutes, he distanced him self to the young ceo a little as he looked at him. "Why are you here, kookie?" he asked while rubbing Jungkook's chest. "I'm picking you up, we're going home." his serious answer without taking his eyes off Taehyung. Taehyung was shocked and gulp by what he heard from Jungkook's mouth. "You know we have an agreement and ---" "ah, yes. I remember." Taehyung said suddenly interrupting what the young man was going to say and then slowly stood up from sitting on Jungkook's lap. Jungkook frowned and then remembered the word he had said earlier. He cursed himself because he knew Taehyung misunderstood it. "I'll just pack, for a moment. I don't have much essentials to bring. And then, dont worry I do understand the agreement I signed." He said with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Tae baby its--" "Its fine, Kookie. I do really understand." and he turned around and walked towards his room to pack. Damn it Jungkook!  Jungkook said and mentally slapped his face. Taehyung soon left the room, dragging a medium size suitcase. He look aroundthe apartment and then sighed. Wiped the tears that were forming from his eyes and faced Jungkook with a smile. Jungkook did not know what to say to him, he drove towards the Mansion without one of them dared to speak. Mina smiles when he saw Taehyung. They became close since the first day they met. Jungkook told Mina to bring Taehyung thing to his room. Taehyung follow her to where he will stay. "Calm yourself,Taehyung. You need to do this, this is what you agreed." "What agreed, Taehyung?" Mina said when they reach the room. Taehyung gasp. "Did i say that loud?" He said nervously. Mina hum. "Oh forget it, Mina. Im just thing about something." Tae lied. "Just call me if you need anything else,Tae." She said and smile before exiting the room. Taehyung sit and the bed and again he roam his eyes around. I do really love you, Jungkook. But i do know also about this agreement. Why did i let myself love you? What will happen to me when the time you finally get what you want? Aist!!! Kim Taehyung!! Brace yourself!!! Pull yourself together! When mina got out from the room, jungkook ask her to prepare for dinner. He walk towards their room and slowly open the door,just to see Taehyung sleeping,hugging a pillow. He slowly walk towards the sleeping angel and a smile form to his lips. He leaned closer and peck the younger forehead and walk to the bathroom. Time skip: When Taehyung woke up, he look at the window and saw that it was already dark. He took his phone and look at the time. "Oh god,i slept 3 hours." He said. Knock knock knock "Mr. Kim, dinner is ready and Mr. Jeon is waiting for you." Said the voice outside the room. "Yes, i'll be there in a minute." He replied and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. He change his cloths in a black short and a brown shirt. Then he walk outside towards the dining table.  The maids that are present at the moment was shock on how beautiful the man approaching the table. Its only the second time Taehyung came in the mansion and the dirst time he came here was no maids saw him except Mina. Jungkook raised his head when he heard footsteps coming and he smiled seeing Taehyung. "Hi" Taehyung said and sit across the table,facing Jungkook. "Did you slept well,baby?" Jungkook ask and put a food in Taehyung's plate. He blushes and Jungkook smirk,knowing how he affect Taehyung. Taehyung look away to hide his blushing face,just to see the maids smiling widely at him. He them return a smile to them,he show them his boxy smile that they cooed how cute he is. Jungkook fake a cough and Taehyung look at him. "Lets eat." He said,smiling. Taehyung smile and theybstart eating in silence. A comfortable silence between them. After their dinner, Jungkook ask Tqehyung if they can talk, and the other nod. Jungkook enters a room and Taehyung followed him behind. His jaw drop seeing inside the room, full of different kinda of books. He then smiles and start to wonder around the mini library. Jungkook heart flustered upon seeing the younger's smile. This is all he wanted,to make him feel happy at all times. They both love each other, they know how much their hearts beat for each other. But there is something that Jungkook cant understand on why he feels that Taehyung is hiding or sometimes not comfortable with around him. "Tae baby..." jungkook called,interrupting Taehyung in wondering around. Taehyung hum and Jungkook move closer to him. Jungkook open his mouth the close it again not knowing what or how he will say it. Taehyung averted his eyes to him. They stared at each others eyes for god knows how long it is. Taehyung is the one who looks away and look at the book he was holding. "Tell me." He said shortly. Jungkook took a deep breath. He sit closer to Taehyung. "This is not about me, this is about you,baby." He started. When he heard nothing from the other,he continued. "You can do whatever you want baby. I dont want you feel that im holding you are trying to control you. All i want is you to become happy and be comfortable with me. And also...." "I want to work,Kook." Suddenly Taehyung said,still focus on the book. "I want to work, i want to earn money for myself. I dont want to be dependent on you in everything. Please,let me work." Now looking at Jungkook's eyes,pleading to let him. Jungkook smile genuinely and kiss him in his lips. He then raffled the brunettes hair. "Sure baby. And also,i have a work for you already. I thought this long ago and i told it to Jin hyung too." Jungkook utter while Taehyung pout. Jungkook chuckled. "Come on,its late. You dont want to be late in your first day of work tomorrow,dont you?" He said,then stand reaching his baby hands to help him stand. Taehyung frowned yet reached the others hand. "Jump" Taehyung jump and Jungkook hold him under his ass while the brunette put his arms at the older neck and legs around his torso. They reach their room and Jungkook gently laid his baby on the bed and soon he laid in his side,hugging him at his petit waist tightly.
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