Chapter 13: Lost and Found

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Taehyung woke up first and slowly got up and went to the bathroom. After about half an hour he came out and went to the kitchen. "Goodmorning Mr. Kim." Mina greeted smiling. "Goodmorning Mina, you got so formal. Taehyung or Taetae is fine." he said with a boxy smile. "You're so cute, Tae." Mina giggles and pinch the cheeks of the other. Taehyung was stunned to her and blush. Mina retracted her hands and apologised. "Sorry." She said and bowed. "No no no...its okay Mina." Taehyung said and pat her shoulder. The two talk and have fun while preparing breakfast. In a few minutes he woke Jungkook. "Kookie,wake up." He said then open the curtains to let the sun rays enters. "Five more minutes,pup." Jungkook whisper. "Nah! No." "Please,baby..." Jungkook said whining. "MR. JEON JUNGKOOOOOOOOK!!!! He shouted to the top of his lung. To tell that Jungkook was in total shock is underestimated. He sat down with eyes widely open,covering his ears with his both hands. "Goodmorning, Kookie." he greeted him and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead. "Oh my god,pup. You almost broke my eardrum." Jungkook pouted. "Is that how you say 'goodmorning', darling?" He said smirking. Jungkook hearts flutter upon hearing the last words. "Goodmorning, pup." he said, and pulled Taehyung who immediately fell on his chest. Taehyung yelp and hit his chest softly. After a little make up of sweetness, Jungkook took shower and they both go at the dining. Time skip: (lets have this skip again,your author is having a little mental breakdown now.) Incheon Internatuinal Airport: (Jung-gu Airport) "Taehyung!!!! Im so excited." Jimin exclaimed hugging his bestfriend. "Chim,i cant breath. You talk as if you never come in Maldives before?" Taehyung said when they break the hug. To tell that Jimin is one of those who are lucky to have a wealthy family,he can go wherever he wants and buy what ever he wants. But he never boastef to anyone about his life style. And Taehyung never imagined that he will be friends to Jimin because of their different life status,but the other make sure that Taehyung will never feel belittle. "Jin hyung! Namjoon hyung" Taehyung yelled seeing the Kim couple approaching them. They hug each other and Namjoon patted Tae's head and ruffle his hair. A minute later, Hoseok and Yoongi arrive too. "Where's Jungkook, Tae." Yoongi ask but his eyes where at Jimin who was blushing tremendously. Taehyung notice this and he giggles to his friend. "Ah, he just went to the bathroom hyung." Tae said smirking. "Hyung,this is Jimin,my bestfriend. Jimin this is--- "Yoongi...Min Yoongi." He said cutting the others words, bringing his hands forward. "Ji---Jimin... Park Jimin." He stutter and reach the others hand. Jimin felt a little squeeze to his hands and his face turn to crimson. Yoongi chuckles not letting go the others hand. The others are looking at them with smile and Taehyung is giggling at the new couple. Jungkook fake a cough and Jimin pull his hands, looking away. "Are we gonna stand here or should we go, its almost time." Jungkook said looking to his watch. Last call for all the passenger bound to Maldives..... "Here i come, Maldives!!!" Taehyung yell excitedly and the others coo to his cuteness. Jimin and Yoongi are sit mates, Namjoon and Jin at their back, Hoseok was sitted with a beautiful girl and Jungkook and Taehyung was sitted a little far to the others. "Thank you, Kookie." Taehyung whisper. Jungkook smile and peck the top of the otherd head and interwhilling their hands. "This is just the beginning,baby. Be ready,i'll spoil you like a brat." Jungkook said. Taehyung hearts flutter to the others words,he smile to him self. He leans his head to Jungkook's shoulder and drift to his sleep. After a long nine hours of travel, they arrive to maldives. Welcome to Velana International Maldives....  "Wow!!! Kookie, this is awesome." Taehyung said full of amusement to his eyes. "Im glad that im making you happy,pup." Jungkook said,pecking his lips. Upon getting out the airport, a luxury car outside was waiting for them.  "Wow...its so beautiful." Taehyung whispered to his self with his big doe eyes. "Welcome to Maldives, Mr. Jeon." a man in his late 50's greeted. "Thank you, Mr. Kang." The other man says. "Its been so long, Mr. Kang. How are you?" Hoseok and Namjoon almost say at once. The old man smile at them and bowed."Its good to see you again,sir sir Jin and sir Namjoon, sir Hoseok and.... sir Yoongi." They were busy having a little chat while Taehyung is busy gazing his eyes around the airport. And not realising that he start walking away to the others. And Jimin is like a lost puppy following Yoongi, why? Yoongi is holding his hands like they were already a couple. Mr. Kang is Jungkook's trusted person who maintains his resorts and villas here in Maldives. He help them put their luggage and thats the time he notice another young man at Yoongi's back. "Welcome to Maldives, young man." He said and Jimin look at him and smile. "Thank you,sir." When all things are settled at the car, they all went inside. Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin at the left side, Namjin at the right side and Jungkook..... "Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook suddenly ask. "What you mean 'wheres Tae kook?', Jungkook?" Jin suddenly panic. "Oh god...." Jungkook said, and pulled his hair. They all panic and all of the got out from the limousine. "How come this happened! No one notices him?!" Jungkook said with frustration. Jimin and Yoongi went inside thinking just maybe...he was ther. Namjin walk at the left ring side while Hoseok and Jungkook separated to look the other ways. Mr. Kang stayed at the car,just incase Taehyung will come. Maybe your thinking how he will recognise the other? Im sorry your author here forgot to remind you that Jungkook shows him his photo before leaving to search for him. As Taehyung continued to follow the small and very cute puppy, he did not realize that he was disappearing to the others sight. He was startled when the puppy suddenly stopped and suddenly jumped on him. He fell on his butt, sits on the floor like a kid and caresses the furry puppy. He looked around him and felt apprehensive that he could not see Jungkook and his companions. "oh s**t! the phone is in my bag." he whispered and cursed himself. He turned to carry the puppy and turned around, hoping that his eyes would find at least one of his companions. Though his knees were feel like helly and trembling, he continued to walk back and tried to prevent the tears from dripping down his eyes. "Oh my..sorry, I'm not looking where I'm going." Tae says bowing. "no problem --- my god, kiki ( forgive me for this random name of the puppy ) ... I've been looking for you for a while." said the man when he saw Taehyung's puppy. "thank you" he said shortly then took the puppy in his arm. Taehyung was speechless and just stared at the man who smiled at him. He felt Taehyung's awkwardness and fear so he smiled again. "Bogum ... Park Bogum." he said and held out his hand. Taehyung hesitated to reach it, "Taehyung ... Kim Taehyung." "Korean?" And he nodded. "You are alone?" Bogum added. Taehyung shook his head. "I was separated from my companions when I followed that puppy." Taehyung explained and his tears start dripping. Bogum pulled him and hugged him gently. "Taehyung!" Taehyung slightly pushed Bogum when a familiar voice calling to him. And in an instant Jungkook hugged him tightly. Jungkook looked at Bogum sharply,and tge other rolled his eyes. "Are you okay, baby? Damn Tae, you scared the s**t out of me. Dont do this again,okay?" he said and kissed every corner of Taehyung's face. Forgetting the person infront of them,watching. He took him by the hand and gently pulled him into their car. "Taebaby,where did you go,you sacred all of us." Jin hug him upon seeing him with Jungkook. "Im sorry" he mumbled in guilt. He told them about the puppy,when he gasp,covering his mouth with his both hands. Jungkook and the others look at him confuse. "s**t! I forgot to thank him." "Who?" Jimin raised his brows. "Bogum...Park Bogum." He shortly replied. They all look at Jungkook except Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook clench his jaw and fist his hands that not go unnotice to his hyungs. Jin fake a cough to gain their attention and he was successful on it. Taehyung saw Jungkook became more silent,leaning his back at his sit looking at somewhere. He put his hands to Jungkooks thigh and look at his boyfriend. "Im sorry, i swear it will not happen again. Sorry,kookie." He said nuzzling his head the the olders chest. Jungkook took a deep breath and put his arm to Tae's waist. "Mr. Jeon,we're here." Suddenly Mr. Kang said. They all get out and to Taehyung's surprise, he become speechless. "Yah! Jungkook, hold that kid,we dont want to repeat what happen earier,do we?" Yoongi stated that Taehyung pout and the others laugh at his words. "Kookie,whose yacht this?" Taehyung said pointing the thing infront of them.  "Mine and this is yours too." He replied and let Taehyung go first. Taehyung couldn't comprehend the happiness in his heart. He walk inside,back hug by Jungkook. Time skip: After around 2 hours they reach their destination. "Long drives are worthy." Hoseok said stretching his arms. "Welcome Mr. Jeon." The butler said with smile and the other maids bowed to them. "Close your mouth,pup. Ypu dont want flies come to your mouth,right?" Jungkook jokingly said qhen he saw Tqe's jaw drop. "Wow...i dont know how totally rich you are,Mr.Jeon." says Taehyung,eyes roaming around. Jungkook chuckle and told the others to get rest. The maids helps them carry their things to their respective rooms. "Tired?" Jungkook ask. Taehyung hummed and yelp when Jungkook carry him bridal to their own room.  He laid Taehyung gently and lay beside him, stroking the younger's hair. "Im so happy your with me, Tae." Jungkook whisper. "You dont know how happy i am,Kookie. Thank you. Never in my life i dream about this." Taehyung confess, circling his thumb to the others chest. And to tell that,in just a simple touch, Jungkook's felt his c**k twist. He close his eyes and suppress his mouth not to release a moan. Taehyung knowing nothing about what was happening in between Jungkooks thighs, he moved and in a second he's sitting to Jungkooks crotch, legs on both sides of Jungkook. Jungkook growled to the sudden act of his boyfriend. "Tae---Taehyung....?" Jungkook said,stuttering. Looking the others eyes. Taehyung lean his face closer, peck Jungkook's earlobes and Jungkook breath hitch, feeling the breath of Taehyung to his skin. Taehyung continue to kiss Jungkook,down to his neck. Jungkook feels his hardened c**k more now, he holds Taehyung hips to control his moving. How he loves to do this dirty things with him, but not yet this time. While Jungkook was busy in thought, Taehyung continue what he was doing. He feels hot inside his entire body,that to tell he really is not in his right mind at the moment. Before anything else happen, a knock disturb them and Jungkook finally breath in peace. Then Taehyung suddenly realised what he did. "Oh my sorry,Jungkook." He said in panic then run fast to the bathroom and lock the door of it. Damn Tae. What are you thinking? Shit....shit...shit!!! He cursed his self looking at his reflexion at the large mirror. He's face turned crimson red. "Arg!!!" He pulled his hair, feeling mad to what he just did. "Baby, are you okay?" Jungkook ask,knocking the door. "Yeah....yes guess..." Tae replied. "Are you sure,pup?" "Yeah. I'll be out in a minute,kookie." Tae said. He wash he's face and fix himself. He take a deep breath before opening the door just to be pulled by Jungkook. "Dont do that again,okay. You're scaring me Tae. Dont run away from me again,baby. Okay?" He said hugging him and peck the top of his head. Taehyung nod and mumbled a sorry. "Dinner is ready, lets go. Others are waiting for us." Jungkook said breaking the hug, and Taehyung misses the warmth already.  They all eat, chatting and laughing. Planning about what they will do and where to go within the week. After eating,they all decide to relax for tonight. They go to their rooms and rest. And once again, Taehyung and Jungkook are alone to their rooms. Taehyung look around the room,and he notice how beautiful it is. Jungkook hug him from his back and lean his lips to the youngers nape. Taehyung felt shivers run to his spine. Then Jungkook nuzzled his face to the crook of Tae's neck. Taehyung can feel the hot breath of his boyfriend,and he feels butterflies to his stomach. Jungkook turn him around and now they are facing each other, face are just inch away, both are lost in their eyes, they breathing are uneven. Both hearts are beating so fast. Jungkook lean his face closer and the second Tae remeber is their both sharing a passionate kiss, but soon it become more heated. Taehyung tugs the other hair to let bim breath. Both break their kiss and stare at each other again. Jungkook smile before pecking Tae's lips again. "Im already addicted to your lips,baby." He whisper to his ears. Taehyung giggle and push him. "I really need to take shower now, kookie." Taehyung said and walk to the bathroom. "Leaving me after giving me this problem,pup? You're rude." Jungkook said pointing his hardened c**k. Taehyung stiffened then look at where Jungkook's finger pointing. He's eyes became big and He's face turned crimson red now. Then he turn around and lock the bathroom. "Thats your problem,not mine Mr. Jeon! And calm him down by yourself." Taehyungbyelled inside the bathroom. Jungkook chuckle and coo to Taehyung's cuteness. Then something pop to his mind to mess Taehyung. He knock the door but other ignored it. "Dont want to help me with this,baby?" He ask. "Nah! No way, Mr. Jeon.!" The other yelled inside. "Okay fine. I'll go somewhere else and look for someone to help me---- "DON'T YOU DARE CONTINUE WHAT YOU WANNA SAY! AND DON'T YOU DARE GO AROUND SEARCHING SOMEONE TO HELP YOU WITH THAT,MR. JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung said upon opening the door. Face are red in anger. And his eyes become teary. Tobtell that even mad,Taehtyng is still cute from Jungkooks eyes. Jungkook felt guilty seeing the love of his life in tears, he pulled him closer and hug him tight. "Im just messing you,pup. Im so sorry,yeah?" He said and kiss him to his lips. Taehyung sobs to Jungkook's chest and hit it. "I hate you...i really hate you." He said continuously hitting the others chest while sobbing. Jungkook let the other hit him,still hugging tightly.
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