Chapter 2: Mr. Jeon's Surprise Visit

2013 Words
Taehyung's Pov: I guess my luck is not on my side. Now a days,all companies are in need of a collage graduate,who the hell will hire a student like me? If things gets more difficult,i guess i need to stop my studies anymore and just find a job. If only my parents didn't die,life is not like this. Even though the fact that we are poor,at least my parents are there for us. If i wonder all this 'if's' in my life now,things will be more difficult. I know i've nothing to lose anymore,coz i've lost enough. I've reach my apartment and open the door to see my brother happy, just seeing him happy makes my heart flutter and a involuntary smile curve in my lips. Even though my brother isn't having a normal life, he was always happy. And thats enough for me to think positive for our life. "...,how are you?" I ask calming myself from my anxiety. Staring at him if to be sure that he's alright. "Im great,hyung. How are you? Did you get the job that you wanted?" He asked with an excitement. I nodded. "No,they have hired one already ." I lied not to worry him. "Oh,its okay. For sure there are jobs that are suitable for you." He said with a smile. "Yeah, i hope so." I muttered the last part not for him to hear. "Hyung,can we go out today? Im bored." He complained. My heart clench in sorrow. Because of his heart condition,i always make sure that Jake will not exert his self. He suffered heart attack for 5 times and i need to run him to the hospital,praying to God that he will be alright. And everytime that the doctor tell me not to let Jake exert his self and tell me too about his surgery....if only the doctor knows how much im struggling to get the money.... "We can do something here, Jake. Im sorry but you know your condition,right." I said to him. While wishing that somehow,from somewhere i can get the money for his surgery. Guilt and desperation stabbed my heart when Jake's smile fell from his face. The spark in his eyes becomes dull and he sighed. "Its been a month hyung since i went out,please just for 20 minutes lets go to the park or anywhere,please hyung." He beg desperately. I sighed in defeat. "Ok fine,we'll go to the library and you can read books too." That place is the only place i know that he will not exert much energy. He jump in excitement,punching the air with a wide smile that i always love. "Yes! I'll go get my jacket." Said and run to his room. "Dont run." I go to my room take my wallet and cap. I change my cloths to a comfortable one and get out,Jake is already standing near the door. "Hurry up hyung,we dont want the library to close up." He said excitedly. "Its not closing up this early. And wheres your bag?" Ask raising my eyebrow. "On the chair." He pointed. I pick it up and slung it to my shoulder so that he needs not to carry anything. "Lets go." I said and he didn't waste anytime and run. "Stop running Jake!" I shouted at him. It was almost time for lunch,thats why there are so many people. I hold my brother tightly making sure he will not be lost. Upon reaching the library,Jake did not waste time and he open his books sitting at the empty place near the window. Everytime we go to this library i always see him reading with his heart. While thinking that other kids in his age are busy playing or reading superheros story. But Jake,i find it weird coz he loves biology. "I really want to be a doctor,hyung. So that when times come,i will help those w1ho have heart disease." He said,determined. Unwanted tears pricked my eyes. Hearing him saying those words stabbed my heart. His condition is affecting him physically and emotionally....and i couldn't do anything about it. Blinking my eyes rapidly to not let my tears from falling,i hold my necklace and look at him. "Stay here and i will go and do some research for something,okay?" "Okay." He said still focus onnhis books. I kissed his head and ruffled his hair. I walk to the checkout desk. "Hi. Is there any computer available?" I ask the brunette busy typing in his keyboard. "Yeah,you can go and see." She smiled. I smiled at him saying thanks and walk to the computer area. Finding a empty cubicle,i quikly sit and start searching for a job. I would prefer to look for an online job,so that i will not leave my brother alone. And about my studies,im still thinking if i should continue or what. Before opening the computer,i was full of hope but luck is really not at my side. Theres no job that gives money more than the money im receiving from the cafe and gas station. I continue searching from the links praying to God that somehow and somewhere to get me a job. "Hey hyung." Jake's voice startled me,standing behind me arms cross to his chest. "Yeah, i think we should go. Your shift will start soon." He said. I look at my watch and mentally cursed at myself. I didn't notice the time and my shift in the gas station is about to start. Without any second,i turned off the computer and grab the bag. I ask him if he borrowed any books and he nodded yes. Taking his hand,we walk to the checkout area seeing the lady printing somethingvto the books,and i tacked it inside the bag. We walk outside and upon reaching the apartment,i put the bag inside his room so that he needs not to carry it anymore. I went to my room. I walk to the kitchen and make dinner for him,actually i still have an hour before my shift. Thinking our situation,someday when i will have enough money i will buy a bookshelf for him so that he will not need to put his books anywhere. Being poor and dreaming something like this makes me smile. I plan to make burger and grilled meat coz its easier but i dont want to make my brothers health in jeopardy just to my life easier. My brother is all i have. Busy at the kitchen,the doorbell rang. I frowned,curiosity in my mind. Who would visit at this hour? And im not expecting anyone. Its not time to pay rent too. So who would it be???? I put down the knife im holding to open the door but Jake is already at the door. "I got it hyung,you can continue making dinner." Jake said. I continue whatbi was doing before wondering who would it be. I heard them talking some strange,so i put back the knife and went outside. "Nico who i-.." i was cut when i saw the man whom Jake was talking. JEON JUNGKOOK? along with his brother and his father,i guess. Standing infront of my doors apartment. Looking as deadly as ever and his eyes unreadable. "Wow,you're even shorter than i thought." Jungkook brother said. (Tae here is shorter) Ignoring what he said. "I-is ev-everything all right?" "Aren't you inviting us inside,young man?" The older whom i suggest is his father. I mentally slap my self for forgetting it. "Of course,please come in. My apologies sir." I said politely. All three men entered our apartment and my brother closed the door. "Hyung,do you know this people?" My brother ask. "Yes,i do. Why dont you go to your room and read while i talk to them?" I told him. "Are you in danger hyung?" He ask concerned. " just need to talk to them,i'll call you when they leave." I responded. "Ok hyung. But be sure call me if you're in danger." He stated. "I will." I replied. "Promise?" He said with his pinkie finger. Linking my pinkie finger with his, "promise." Satisfied with my promise,i close his room and went to the three man sitting at the sofa. "So,'re 5"." His brother ask. "Im 5"5." I stated. "Would you like something to drink,sir?" I ask them not forgetting my manners. "No. Go and pack your bags." Jungkook ordered. Looking at his sea green eyes,my heart flipped as he stared at me. "W-why?" I stuttered. "Because i said so." He simply said. I shook my head, "im sorry Mr. Jeon,but im not doing anything you said without telling and explaining everything to me." I said. Jungkook eyes hardened. "Do as i say." His voice gives shiver to my spine. "First give me a valid reason." I said and im proud to myself for not stuttering. "'re something." His brother commented. "Shut up,Hoseok." Jungkook snap. "Ohh..Hoseok that his name. I like hoseok,hes not intimadating like this asshole." I said to my self. And i wondered where the other one. Standing up,Jungkook walk over to me until standing just a few inch infront of me. I raised my head to look up at him and he towered me,making me feel vulnerable. "Go and pack your things baby boy,i will not repeat it again." He said in a dark tone,threatening. "Why?" I asked. I will not back down until not explaining everything to me. Im not his slave or what so ever. But his next words make me widened my eyes in shock that it almost pop out. "We are getting married." "I told you before Mr. Jeon,im not gonna marry you if your intention is just to pity me. Im not a charity case,so please dont waste your time to someone like me. You can find someone else. And im sure, you've got some other guy or girl that are with class and status." I rattled wanting this billionaires to leave my apartment. Their presence infront of me make me hates them. "You heard what im saying,righ Mr. Kim? Im not accepting a NO!" He said leaning his face closer. "Im really sorry Mr. Jeon,but its a big NO." I said a bit louder. Little did they know that someone is there listening to what their discussing. "Hey! You,whoever you are,why are you scaring my hyung.!" My brother shouted running towards us and push him. He stumble a little backward and look at my brother angrily. Bawling his fist and looks like his ready to kill. I pulled my brother at my back and look at them. "Please just leave Mr. Jeon. And im sorry-" " there something that you are not telling me?" My brother cut me by my words. ".....-" "He makes a deal with me." Mr. Jeon said. "Deal? What?? Hyung?" My brother said in confused. "Mr. Jeon,its not a deal. I applied but you rejected it. Thats not a deal. And also,your brother here knows about it." I said looking at his brother. "Hyung,can you please tell me what is it about?" Jake said. I feel a stab in my heart looking at my brother. I know that he will not agree to this thats why i didn't bother to tell him,besides hes too young to worry about it. I close my eyes in a moment a sigh. I look at the person that are present infront of me. Jungkook return to his sit and i hold my brother's hand letting him sit at my lap. Caressing his back. I took a deep sigh again to calm myself. "Hyung is sorry baby. I didn't tell you about what kind of interview is that. I really dont want you to be bother or think any negative about it." I calmly said. I look at Mr. Jeon just to see that he is already staring at me. I averted my eyes to look somewhere else. "What about the interview hyung? You said they already get one,and why is he here? What kind of job is that hyung?" Jake questioned. Jungkook frown when he heard what my brother said,and the two man are just listening. "Yes,they did." I lied to my brother. "What?!" Jungkook whisper shouted that he clench his fist looking at me. "Oh..." the only words that my brother utter. "Kim Taehyung!" I hold my brother tightly hearing Jungkook shout. I can feel my brother tremble and i immediately hug him,turning him to face me. "Are you ok,jake?" I ask looking at him. "Hyu-hyung...i...i...can..cant..." "Jake,look at me baby...please jake...." i said cupping his face. "Breath for me,please baby...please...hyung is here...- "We need to bring him at the hospital Mr. Kim." I heard Hoseok said.
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