Chapter 5: Start Again

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A week had passed since Taehyung's brother died, and its not easy for him. He lock his self to his apartment for a whole week, he even did'nt attend works and good that his managers are so nice to him that they give him space and mourn for his brother. He excuse his self too in the university. He just cry in silence. Another day had pass and he decided to start living again, now....alone...all alone. Focus Tae...its hard but you need to continue your daily life. You can do it. He said to himself. Time skip: I woke up early today after deciding to start my life living again. I walk to my bathroom,took shower and dress myself to go my work. Its sunday and i really need to work now. After drinking my tea,i walk out and not forgetting to lock my apartment. I walk for around 15 minutes and reach the cafe where im working. Before entering,i fix my cloths again and try to smile. "Goodmorning sir." I greeted my manager and she smile at me. "Its nice to have you back now Tae. Are you okay now?" he said with concern. I nodded saying yes and leave him to change to my uniform. After a minute,i went outside and start fixing what is needed when suddenly the door rings indicating someone enters. "Goodmo-.... I was cut when i saw who just entered the cafe. I narrowed my eyebrows upon seeing his face. JUNGKOOK's POV: Its been a week since the last time i saw him. I thought of calling him but remembering that i dont have his number. I also told my men to search for him,i even send someone in Daegu in case he was there. I told my other men to stalk in his apartment, and report to me. To say that theres no news about him. I dont know where should i search for him. And all the guilt inside me is not helping me too. My eagerness to find him is almost at my peak. I even ask Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung to help me look for him. But to say that this whole week is such a bad or worst week coz theres nothing even a single detail about him. And today its sunday,i decided to call one of my trusted men and ask him to stalk again in his apartment. I was eating my breakfast with my brothers when my phone rings. "Goodmorning Mr. Jeon." "Any news about him?" I ask hoping that theres a good news about him. "Yes Mr. Jeon, he just came out from his apartme- "Follow him where ever he go and send me his location." I said cutting him with his own word. After ending the call, i look at my brothers just to see that they we're already looking at me with a confuse face. i stand from my sit and told them that i will go somewhere else. "Where?" Hoseok hyung ask. "Just somewhere hyung. I really need to fix this today." I said before walking to my room and changing my cloths. I pick my keys and wallet along with my phone when message pop up. I open it and saw a location where Taehyung is. I walk down the stair with a mixed emotion of excitement and fear. Excitement coz finally i'll gonna see him and talk to him. Fear because i dont know where should i start or what should i say. I was about to open the door when Hoseok and Yoongi hyung called me. "Take it easy can do it." Yoongi hyung said smiling. I look at them and walk outside to my car. It took me 20 minutes before reaching the 'Happy Cafe' where he is working. Its a not so big cafe but its descent looking. I remember how i talk so low about his work,and my guilt built inside of me. Before pushing the door,i gather all my strength and take a deep sigh. "Goodmo- He stop when he saw me. I stand where i am and i look at him in his eyes. He looks exausted and i can even see the sadness in his eyes. We stared at each others eyes without me blinking, i want to run to him and hug him but i cant bring myself out of it. He is still beautiful even with his uniform,his strawberry blond hair, his big doe eyes and a perfect nose,not forgetting his plump pinkish lips. We break our staring contest when someone made a fake cough. I look again to him before i sit at the table near the window. "Tae,take his order now." I hear the lady said to him. There was a hint of hesitate from him, but still he came to me. "Goodmorning sir, can i take your order now?" "Coffee please." I said looking at him. "Anything else,sir?" "No." He walk away and after not so long,he came with a cup of coffee and put down infront of me. "Can we talk?" I ask when hes about to go. He raised his right eyebrow to me and give me a look of 'do i know you' "Please..." i ask desperately and grab his wrist to stop him from walking away but soon customers starts to come so i release his hand and let him go. I watch every movement of him, and i notice on how much he's trying to not spare a look at my direction. Just a cup of coffee but i stayed in this coffee shop for almost 3 hours. I even notice the lady who seems to be the owner of this cafe looking at me then to Tae. I saw her come near him and talk to him, i guess im their topic coz i saw how the lady look at my side. Hoping that he will look too but it never happens. I can feel how much he hated me and i dont blame him for that. He has all the reason of hating me but i will not give up. Kring...kring...kring.... I took my phone and look whonis calling. "Hi Jin hyung." I said upon answering it. "Hoseok called me saying you found Tae. Where is he? How is he? Is he- "Woah...hyung...too much question." I chukled a little but my eyes are on someone else who is busy serving the other customer. "Sorry Kook. Send me the location i will come there." The he ended the call. I send him the location and wait for him. After 15 more minutes i saw Jin hyung enters and Tae look at him with a smile. A genuine smile. Oh how i wish he smiles like that to me. I saw Jin hyung runs towards him and hug him ignoring those eyes that looking at them. After their emotional hugs,they walk towards to where im sitting. "Thank you Kook." Jin said smiling at me. I just smile and look at Tae again. "What you want hyung?" He ask Jin gently with a smile. "I want hot chocolate please...and please do me a favor,sit here with us when you bring my order." "Cant hyung,im on duty. Sorry." The he walk away. "How you find him Kook?" I told him everything on how i send someone search for him. And he was so thankful about it. "So whats your plan now?" "I dont know hyung, all i want is for him to forgive me. And i'll do anything hyung..." i said looking at Taehyung who is coming to us with Jin's order. "Thank you taebaby." Said hyung. "By the way Tae..." "Yes hyung?" "Can i have your number and can i visit you in your apartment after?" "Sorry hyung, my phones broke and about visiting im not available i have work at the gasoline station till 12 midnight." They were talking and i just listen to them like im invisible specially to Taehyung. "Oh god Tae, dont overwork yourself and besides im here...please let me hel- "Im fine hyung. And besides,i really need this jobs. I'll go now hyung,see next time." He said and walk away towards the kitchen. "God,he is still the Taehyung that i know." "What you mean hyung?" I ask confused. "He is stubborn and really dont like someone helping him or pitying him. He wants to works for everything. Poor baby.." Jin hyung said. Its been 5 hours im sitting in this cafe and 2 hours with Jin. "Is hes duty finish? I dont see him now." I ask Jin hyung. Yes,its almost an hour when we didn't notice him so we walk to the cashier to pay our order. The owner smiles at us when we pay. I look around trying to find him. "Looking for Taehyung?" The lady ask and i nod. "Oh dear...he left already. His duty ends at 10." I frown upon hearing it and look to Jin who too cant believe it. "But we didnt saw him go." I said thinking this lady is lying. "He walk at the back door." We left the cafe and after some talks Jin and i separated our ways. I went home with a heavy feelings and saw my  brothers at the living room. "How did it go?" Hoseok hyung ask. I plop myself at the big sofa and close my eyes without saying anything. I feel a hands at my shoulder,open my eyes to see Yoongi hyung. "Dont worry,it will be fine." He assured me. I close again my eyes without realising that i fell asleep. When i woke up its already night. I look at my watch and i saw its 7. I took my phone and thinking of calling my one of my men when it rings. I answered it and to my surprised its about Taehyung. "Thank you." I said to the other line. I run to my room and take a short shower, change to a black jeans and a white shirt along with my leather jacket. And put my combat shoes and run at the living room to take my phone at wallet with the key of my motor bike. I drive to the station and it took me only 10 minutes to where Taehyung is working. I saw him feeling the tank of one car,but i didn't come near him. I park my motorbike not too far at the gas station,i observed him for how long i dont know. I can see how tired he is when i saw him sitting at the empty bench infront of the mini store across me. He rub hi eyes to prevent in falling asleep and rubbing his palms then putting at his both cheeks. "How come he didn't bring any coat with him?!" I was about to walk towards him when i saw a group of guys coming near him. I clench my jaw when i saw someone touch his face. I can see how scared he is then another boy pulled him by his waist. "How *punch "dare *punch "you *punch "touch him! Huh! *punch To tell that i was agigated to this scene. The other guys run away while the two was lying on the cold ground unconscious. I run towards Taehyung who curled himself at the corner,crying with all his heart. I remove my jacket and put at him when he flinch. "Its ok..i got you Tae. Im here." I said trying to calm him. It hurts the hell out of me seeing him in this situation, hes body trembling of fear. I slowly hug him and lean his head to my chest. "Its here...nobody will gonna hurt you Tae. I promise." I whisper to his ear sincerely. Rubbing my thumb to his back for a moment,he stop crying and i feel how he nudge his head to my neck. Then all i can hear now is a his little sobs. I slowly raised his head to check him just to see he's already sleeping. I smile and feel happy to our current position,i carry him in bridal style and i mentally slap my face when i realised i dont have my car. I walk to my motorbike and sit him,slowly i put his arms around my neck at his legs around my waist,then i took my phone from my pocket which is in the leather jacket his wearing. "Hello hyung,can you come and pick us." "What?! Where are you? What happen? And wheres your car?" "Argh...hyung relax. I'll tell you everything after,just pick us now." Then i ended the call. A voluntary smile creep my lips. After for almost 15 minutes of waiting hyung came. "What happened to him?" He ask upon seeing Taehyung. I hand him my motorbike key and i slowly put Taehyung in the passengers seat,putting the sit belt then close the door to his side slowly. "I'll bring him home hyung, careful with my motorbike." Then i walk and enter the car,start it and drive home.
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