Waking the Dead

1059 Words

I don’t know why I decided to keep it quiet. I don’t know why I ordered Catalina to do the same, even to my handmaidens. My mind shut down and went into survival mode. That survival mode usually meant surviving werewolves, and that can only be done through making sure they know nothing about me.  My past was staring me right in the face. Even with the human resistance, I barely ever spoke about my family. At first it was because it hurt too much to talk about them, knowing that I would never be able to see them again. I couldn’t go back to the packhouse, Samuel would kill me just to ensure that my escape never got back to Garrick. But even when I made friends and met new people who I could trust, I never spoke about them.  I assumed they were dead.  I don’t know why. I think maybe it wa

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