
1065 Words

Aris had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes were the colour of liquid gold and for once he didn’t look like the king who is always forced to be preoccupied by war and turmoil. He looked like a proud father, not a king.  “Look!” He scolded me for looking at him rather than looking at our daughter. Eleanor was also smiling, she was infected by Aris’ gleeful mood, and had her arms firmly planted onto our mattress. Her hair, which she definitely got from her father, was curling into every direction after being in a make-shift ponytail all day. She was wearing her favourite dinosaur pyjamas, but that wasn’t the focal point of our attention.  She was on her hands and knees, and had finally managed to c***k the code. After weeks of slowly testing the waters she decided to wait until her fa

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