
1073 Words

Ice had settled into my veins and I could not get my hands to stop shaking. The news was so sudden and so abrupt, I never had any suspicions that I could be pregnant. But no, the wolves could hear a second heartbeat coming from me.  I laid one of my hands on my flat stomach. My own heart seemed to be beating at a marathon pace,  I doubted Aris would be able to hear a second one over the sound of it. I was so angry at myself. Partly for not knowing I was pregnant in the first place, partly because of my reaction to it. I knew it would happen eventually, I knew Aris and I would be together for the rest of our lives. Yet somehow, I couldn’t seem to feel any happiness at the thought of adding a child to our chaos.  I heard Aris’ footsteps approach the door. He halted just before opening it,

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