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I was woken up the next morning by the sun shining in my eyes. Not by someone poking me awake or by the distant howl of a werewolf. I woke up because I was done sleeping... In a house filled with werewolves Immediately I sat up and glanced over to his side. The bed was empty. For some reason it felt like a stab in the gut, I had half hoped he had snuck back into my room and defied my wish. The adrenaline had clearly worn off, my head was at least a little calmer. I got up from the bed and moved to put on my clothes, which was when I saw a small note that had been slid under my door. I picked it up and let my eyes scan over his harsh handwriting. I don’t know how, maybe it was instinct, but I knew it was from Aris. He was clearly as in the dark about my race as I was about his. I don't know how to read, no one has ever taught me. I couldn't just ask any werewolf what the note said. What if it held a big secret? Or what if they recognized his handwriting? I couldn't just risk that. I didn't even know whether or not this should be kept as a secret. It made both of us vulnerable, and I wasn’t a big and scary Alpha king. Vulnerability was not something I could show in a camp filled with war hungry wolves. All the answers in my head were shut down by my stomach growling loudly. I didn't know where the kitchen was in this place. So I was forced to walk around aimlessly. Sure, I encountered some werewolves, but I was not going to ask them for help.  I still didn't know what to make of the entire 'mate' thing. It felt like whoever made this universe, and karma, had it out for me. Last night was clouded by exhaustion and adrenaline, the only thing that remained clear was him. The way he talked to me. How he smiled and how his hand felt against mine.  Now that I was awake I was also more able to worry. What the hell were my friends going to say? What will happen in the future? Will he even allow me to leave and be with my people?  I should try and be more distant. There is absolutely no reason for me to just trust him because he says he is my mate. He could be lying and this could all be a trick to finally end the human race. He was the king after all and I was the only female leader here. It didn’t seem too far fetched. I could not find the kitchen. Instead I found the door that led to the busy grounds. The sun was already higher up in the sky than I'd like to admit. I slept far longer than I should have. "You look better." I heard Aris say behind me. See he crept up on me! There was no way he should be able to do that if we truly are mates. Am I not supposed to 'feel' his presence?  I turned around and tried my best to ignore the initial attraction that laid waste to my previous conspiracy theory. Today he wore another suit. His golden eyes seemed even brighter in the light of day. "Did you get my note?" "I don't know how to read." I answered. He was standing close to me, too close. I took a step back and kept my eyes away from him.  "It's fine. I can teach you." He said. I glanced around the field. Many werewolves were happily eating and laughing. I saw the familiar tents from my people. Even they seemed to be getting more comfortable around their former enemies.   "Nickolas told them this morning." Aris said to me, following my gaze. "They responded as you did." He took a step closer to me, his arm brushed against mine causing shivers to go up my spine. "He is a good leader. He calmed everyone down quite fast." "Tell me." I said, turning so that I was standing directly across from him with only a few inches between his chest and mine. "Tell me that we are not walking into a trap. That they will live." "It was never the intention to trick you." He answered, his face wiped clean of all emotion, clearly I was talking to the king and not to Aris. "We need expertise. That is what you people bring. We would never harm an ally, especially after a blood bond." I nodded my head, searching in his eyes for any sign of betrayal. "Now that I have found you," He whispered, his hand rubbing up and down my arm. "I could never look away and see you getting hurt. You are safe with me." I took a step back, getting out of his arms and back into reality. This is going too fast, my mind was screaming. But there was something else. Seeing him made me happy, but in the back of my head I also felt an incredible sense of guilt. The list of people I have seen getting slaughtered by werewolves is miles long. Werewolves that he commands "The only thing that has ever hurt me were werewolves."  Obviously I felt bad for saying it. But again it was a fight between my instincts and my head. I knew that the mate part, whatever the f**k that was, felt bad for saying something mean to my mate. My head however wanted revenge for the last twenty years of my life.  It put me in a very foul mood.  Aris had turned around and left, not showing any emotion at all. I myself was still starving and went down to eat with my people who greeted me with open arms and asked me about my time in the woods. My mood brightened a bit, but I couldn't shake the nasty feeling I had. Like it had been warm all week and now it was suddenly winter. The cold never left me, no matter how much love I received from my group. I was enjoying bread and stew when I noticed a couple not too far away from our camp. They were clearly werewolves, and to me they were also clearly mates. The way he looked at her like she was the only thing worthy of his attention, it made the bad feeling feel even worse. I averted my eyes and hoped it would go away if I talked to more regular people.  Eventually I found out that it didn't go away. Even when I had in depth group discussions about our upcoming tasks I still felt cold and alone. I stayed with the group for a few hours, before accepting my defeat and going back to search for him. I asked the first werewolf I could find in the house. He reluctantly led me to the king's chambers, leaving me at the beginning of the hallway, not even nearby the door.  "He's in a bit of a bad mood." Someone down the hall warned me. "Might not be smart for a fragile one like you to go near him now." He laughed loudly and walked away. Nonetheless I straightened my back and knocked. 
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