The Lion's Den

1138 Words

Ever since our fight, I had not eaten one single meal in the dining room. Instead I had my handmaidens bring it up to my room. I didn’t want to be near Aris, I didn’t want to be nice to the random alphas who kept coming by. I just wanted to make the best of what I could do and cling to my last bit of sanity.  “The hall is fully cleaned.” Zoey reported back to me. “They are bringing in the candles today and the flowers tomorrow, so they don’t wither before it starts.” “If you take proper care of flowers they don’t wither overnight.” I commented. Wolves aren’t big fans of gardening, but us humans know how to be close to nature. We know how to keep the flowers nice and pretty, at least for a little while.  Zoey didn’t respond back to it. They all knew that Aris and I were fighting, but onl

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