Chapter 6-4

2009 Words

Jojo, Jizelle, and Roger took the stairs down to the restaurant. Jojo never tired of dining here, in the intimate, elegant black, white, and cream post-modern chic setting. The rectangular table they were shown to sat eight. Jojo scanned around and didn’t see Adam. His heart sunk. He’d had hoped that Adam would come, even though he hadn’t texted him. He’d forgiven Jizelle and Roger’s intervention as soon as it happened. Jojo didn’t have too much time to dwell on his thoughts because his parents and two other people showed up. Antonio wore a dark blue suit, blue power tie, and his wife, Margarita, wore a similar colored matching pantsuit. “Hi, Father, Mother,” Jizelle said, kissing both of them on their cheeks. “Hi, honey,” Margarita said. “Hello, Roger.” Antonio hugged his daughter, an

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