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All day, Karaline had felt as if someone was following her. Not that it made sense, considering no one really knew anything about her or noticed her at school. Still, the uneasy feeling of someone watching her, had left her on edge all day throughout school. She knew it could easily have been one of the twins making sure she was behaving and doing as she was told. It had been eerie the longer the day had gone on. Still, she had been careful, making extra effort to isolate herself from the rest of the students as best she was able. At lunch she had bypassed the cafeteria and stayed outside to work on her homework. She had learned a long time ago, that the best way to keep herself from being behind in assignments was to finish them while she was still at school. The Martin's were not known for giving her breaks from her list of chores and duties at home. Still, the demand she skip lunch at school when it was one of the few meals she was allowed, had left her light headed and weak. Considering it was a Monday - all of Kara's weekend had consisted of The Martin's finding fault in all of her endeavors. Each failure brought a punishment, so there had been no food over that time. It had meant that she would have had her first meal today at lunch, until Miss Vanessa's edict this morning. Knowing the consequences, Kara had refused to risk either of the twins spying her with food, so she had obeyed the demand to skip her meal. Now, she was barely keeping her eyes open and she still had chores to finish within the house. Not including whatever demands the twins would make of her. For a moment, she sat on her small cot, her head hanging low as she looked back on her day. The same classes, the same assignments, the same typical motions of moving from class to class with no one really knowing she was there. Twice, she had noticed Travis and trent watching her in the halls, but neither had followed her to her next destination. While she could not be sure, it had occured to her they were looking for something, anything, to get their mother to pass yet another punishment to work in their favor. Dread settled in Kara's gut, thinking about how the twins reaction to her had changed in recent months. Where before they were content to hit her a couple of times and then ignore her existence, now she seemed to have garnered their unwavering interest. It was terrifying to know that they had set their sights on her for some unknown reason. They had been explicit in explaining to her that no one in the school was to come near her. More than that, she was also told that no other should touch her in anyway that showed familiarity. So, since they'd arrived in this small town four years ago, she'd not spoken a single word to single soul. If she could help it, she stayed as far away from other people as possible. While she knew about the Martin's and their.. peculiarity, she could only assume there were others in this town just like them. Which meant, they were aware of her presence and would dutifully tell the Martin's if their little human ward disobeyed orders. The worst part was the not knowing. The secrecy of the supernatural community was paramount, so they could not out themselves in the presence of humans. So there was no way to know who she could trust and who she should avoid. More than that, it also limited the probability of her finding a way out of the Martin home without raising any red flags. So, she remained alone, on her own. Waiting for her birthday in the hopes that when she walked out of this household and this town, she would find someplace that she could start all over, make something new of her life. For a while now, she had been losing hope that such a dream would be possible. The more that time passed and she realized just how much her life was watched by the Martin's and the people around them, it became clear she would not, could not escape unscathed. Briefly, she had considered possibly finding someone in the ranks of the pack that might be sympathetic to letting a human go free from the Martin family. Then of course, she'd heard the whispers of others in school. Heard how so many of the supernatural world despised her kind. Knowing that there would be no quarter given there since her kind were seen as a threat to them. So, she had resigned herself to existing, hour by hour, day by day, until she made it to freedom or died in the trying. Until today. For a brief moment, she had known hope. Nothing could have prepared her for running headlong into Kylen Madden. When she had sprawled out on the floor, her side aching, she had truly thought it would be the end. While she knew she was not supposed to be aware of his status, she had heard whispers of him for the last four years. The future Alpha of the pack, he was almost revered by everyone around her, includingthe staff of the school. Some spoke as if he were a prodigy, achieving goals no one had accomplished before at a very young age. She also knew they spoke of his father, the current alpha, as if he were almost useless. While she could never ask questions, Kara had always found herself curious as to the story there, though she dared not voice her questions, not even to the Martin's in their home. The minute she had heard him speak, her whole body had started to thrum with energy. Excitement. Maybe even joy. Never had she reacted to the presence of another in such a way. Then, she had looked into his eyes. Not intentionally, but when she had, she had seen his confusion and something else. An interest. It was almost as if he wanted to know her, to know who she was. For the space of a single breath, she had experienced hope. Then, he had touched her. The automatic flare of heat that had rolled under her skin and made her whole body ache had surprised her. In that moment, he had not been a hope, but a demon sent to seal her fate with the Martin's. She had jerked away, knowing full well she had to put as much distance between them as possible. No one could remember her, recognize her. If they did, it would make the consequences to her dire. Which was exactly why when he had demanded her name, she had turned tail to run. There was no way she could risk what little opportunity she had left by hoping that he could or would care about her well being among his followers. So she had run, knowing within minutes he would forget he had even seen her. It was the one thing she supposed would be a gift about her half life. No one seemed to notice her, and if they did, they forgot about her just as quickly. Not once in any time Kara could recall, did anyone remember her later. No one but the Martin's. She had once asked if they knew why, but in answer they had sent her to her room for a week, leaving her to her own devices with no food. Thankfully, there was a small toilet in the corner of the basement with a sink, so she had at least had access to water. At the end of the week, she had been allowed upstairs once again, and never spoken another word questioning her place in their home or the things happening to her. Which brought her to now. She closed her eyes, holding the image of Kylen's gaze registering her existence for a brief moment. One day, she would be seen, someone would look at her everyday the way he had. Like she mattered. Like she was important. But until then, she would hold on to the single moment that gave her hope such a thing would ever be possible. No matter what lie ahead for her upstairs.
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