Hallowed Halls

1464 Words

Making his way up the porch stairs, Kylen suddenly felt a kind of sickening dread that he could not explain. Peering at the door before him, he drew in a small breath, reaching for the door knob. Half expecting it to remain unmoved, he was surprised when instead, the spun brass turned and the door swung open with nary a sound. Peering into the inside of the house, there was nothing to suggest anything was amiss. The floors were waxed to a perfect shine. The walls were soothing colors of green, aqua, and white with stained wood moldings giving it a polished, sophisticated look. To stand there and take it in, the home was in fact, beautiful. Everything perfectly arranged and the room balanced so that it was neither showy or barren. Ky could see how anyone would enter this house and think

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