
1483 Words
Karaline made her way into the hall of the school. Like most mornings, no one really seemed to notice her presence. Gliding through the halls, her head down and the long locks of raven colored hair slipping forward to hide her face, she made it to her locker. For a moment, she could swear she felt eyes on her, watching her movements through the school. Turning her head, she peered about silently, trying to find the source of the uneasy feeling. Risking a glance around, she could not find the source of her uneasiness. Seeing neither Travis or Trent in the halls, she could not fathom anyone else being so interested in her movements. Quietly, she moved to her locker, putting in the combination quickly. Drawing in a small breath, she moved to transfer the books from her bag to her locker. Once she was sure she had everything she needed for the first half of her school day, she again risked a glance up and down the hall. As was expected, no one seemed to notice her. Most the students walked by or shifted around her as if she were not even there. Still, she could not shake the feeling of eyes focused on her every move. Fear knotted her gut, her head turning one way then the other to be sure that neither of the Martins were near by. Assured that they were absent, and knowing full well their classes were on the other side of the building, Kara decided to take the risk. Silently, she unzipped the corner pocket of her bag, squirreling away the half eaten cereal bar and the trail mix Trent had snuck into her bag. Hiding them in the back corner of her locker, she grabbed two or three peanuts from the trail mix and popped them into her mouth. Chewing slowly and carefully, she shut the door to her locker and pulled her bag up onto her shoulder. Turning on her heel, she moved to step towards her class when she was suddenly bumped from the side. Immediately, she tensed, her body shuddering as the impact on her bruised side left an unwanted throb sounding through her. The force of the jostling had not been much, but when paired with how little she ate, her whole body slammed into the row of lockers. This time however, she was able to stop herself from sliding to the floor. "I-i-i'm S-s-sorry." The words were whispered, an automatic reaction for her supposed clumsiness. Truth was, most the time when she bumped into people or things, it was her fault for being in the way. Or so she had been taught. "Are you okay?" Warmth spread through Kara in hearing that voice. For the second day in a row, Kylen Madden stood before her and this time he looked down at her with something akin to worry. "I-i-i'm f-f-fine." The words stuttered out, and she cursed her nervousness. She knew enough to know that this particular male was meant to be someone important. All of the pack members, including Trent and Travis made way for Kylen when he was around. While she did not know much about the politics among werewolves, she knew that he held some significance. The last thing she wanted was to be a problem that came to his attention. She had heard enough whispers about the school to know his opinion of humans was not a very nice one. "I...Listen, yesterday, I'm sorry if I scared you. I was a little surprised by some news I had gotten." One hand moved out, resting on her arm and Kara forgot to breathe. Heat and warmth spread through her, a faint rush of tingling ran up her arm where his hand rested against her. That faint hint of cinnamon swirled in the air around him and had her drawing in a deep breath. "I-i-i-it's fine, t-t-thank you." She offered softly, not daring to look up at him as she was righted carefully to stand on her own. For a moment, she wished that his hand would stay on her arm, that maybe he would pull her closer. Yet, just as quickly as he had reached out to touch her, his hand was falling back down to his side and his fingers were curling into fists. Unbidden, Kara tensed, wondering if he was about to hit her for causing him to stumble twice in as many days. "You want to thank me? Tell me your name, little one. You never answered me when I asked yesterday." She felt him moving closer to her, his body pressing in closer to her own. For a brief moment she could feel the heat of his body, the warmth radiating off his skin bringing her comfort. She wondered if being closer to him would chase away the pervasive chill that always seemed to cling to her, but the thought was dismissed almost as soon as it was entertained. It was then his words registered. Her name? All this and he wanted her name? No one, in the history of her time her in Carver Falls, had ever asked her such a question. On top of her shock at Kylen seeking her out and remembering her, now she had him asking her for her name. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip. She could not help but be drawn to his features, to see the look in those brilliant blue eyes as he peered down at her as if expecting something. Drawing in a deep breath, her shoulders straightened as she lowered her head once more, peering down at the floor. "M-m-my name is K-" Just as she was about to speak, Travis was barreling over, pushing her away from Kylen and towards the lockers. The second he made his appearance, Kara shrank back. Any thought she had of continuing the conversation, or even looking in the direction of Kylen Madden was forgotten. "What are you doing? Stupid b*tch. People have better things to do then wait for you to move." His foot kicked out, catching her left thigh and causing her to hiss softly in pain. Not willing to defy one werewolf in front of another, her head bowed low as she scooted back across the floor to press her back against the line of lockers. She could have sworn she heard a growl, but likely it was Travis being annoyed that she had been noticed by anyone. "What do you think you are doing, Travis? I was talking to the girl." Where moments before his voice had been gentle and soft, now there was an edge to his words. A feeling of danger permeated the air, as if something lethal were about to happen. "She's nothing, Alpha. Just an orphan that causes more trouble than she is worth. Hell, she can barely speak. Isn't that right, stupid?" Travis turned towards where she sat on the floor, his leg kicking out towards her foot to gain her attention. Risking a look up, Kara saw the look in Travis's eyes. Knew full well, that if she disagreed or corrected him, there would be hell to pay. So, to try and smooth things over, she merely nodded. Her eyes flooded with tears as she looked across the hall, slowly moving to push herself up slowly. Her arms tightened on the books in her arms, holding them in front of her like a shield. Not once, did she peer over at Ky. She knew better than to try with Travis watching so closely. Instead, she remained still as a statue, waiting to be acknowledged or dismissed. "So you speak for her?" Again, that voice was distant and cold. It was such a complete change from what she had heard only a few minutes before, Kara was not quite sure it was even real. "No, not especially. Just know a bit about her. Not even fit enough for her own family to stick around." Travis words caused a flinch, her head bowing again. "I promise she won't be in your way again, Alpha." Travis moved, his fingers wrapping around Kara's upper bicep with a bruising grip. This time, she just peered across the hall, ignoring the burning pain as Travis's fingers dug into her arm with bruising force. "I never said she was in my way in the first place, Travis." There was a low growl, a portent of warning on the air. Kara could sense it, yet it seemed that Travis could not. "If anything, I was just curious. I've never seen the girl before, so I just asked her name." "Kara Martins. We'll see you this weekend Kylen." Travis answered, then tightening his grip on Kara, he dragged her down the hall towards her class. Not once did she turn around to notice that Ky was watching the whole scene with barely controlled rage.
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