Building a Mystery

1334 Words
"What do you mean you don't know? It can't be that hard to ask a girl's name. Besides, this is a small school, we know everyone." Erik snorted at the end, his disbelief making itself known. "Look, I get you want to keep her to yourself, but c'mon man. How can I protect the future Luna if I don't know who I should be protecting."     "That's just it, Erik. I could have sworn we knew everyone at this school, but this girl..."   Kylen trailed off, his eyes focused on the female sitting in the back of the class. Creepy as it was that he had stood here watching her almost the whole of the class, she still remained set apart from the others. No one even spared a glance in her direction, which was all the more disturbing.   "It's like she came out of nowhere. I know I have never seen her before, yet she is well familiar with these halls. How could I have missed her before now?"     "That's the mate bond talking. Maybe she just wasn't all that interesting." Doubt sounded in Erik's voice, for a moment he went silent before he continued again, "You really need to think about what it is you want to do about her."     "I know. I know. Humans aren't meant for our world. But, she's an odd one. She was able to run from me and ignore an alpha command." Ky admitted it softly, his eyes locked on the girl as she shifted once more in her seat and winced.     "She did what? That's not normal, Ky. No one can resist an alpha command. Or should be able to." Erik's voice held warning, one that he was already more than aware of.     "I am aware, not unless she is of Alpha blood. I can tell you, she has no wolf, so how she could resist, I have no idea. It's not something I've ever heard of."   The female was a mystery. In more then one way. Now, he needed to work out the puzzle quickly in order to come to a decision on just what he should do.     "We should ask the elders. See if there may be another reason." Erik's calm voice did little to set aside the uneasiness that was taking root in Ky's gut. The idea of leaving anything with his little human unfinished, was unsettling.     "You're right. For now, I want to keep an eye on her during the day. Maybe we can learn something else before we go to the elder's this evening." Ky relented, knowing full well he had no intention of attending his own classes today. While it was risky, he knew he had to observe more, learn more. It made no sense that this girl had slipped by himself and the whole of his pack unnoticed all this time.   "I really don't like this, Erik. How have none of us noticed her before?"   "There is really no way to know. Perhaps, this is just a test, to get through before you meet your truly intended Luna." Coda growled in the back of Ky's mind at Erik's words.   "And what if she is my intended Luna. Just because she is human doesn't make her any less precious if the Moon Goddess saw fit to give her to me." Ky shot back irritated. For the moment, his eyes lingered on the picture of the female in the room. Even as he watched her, she seemed unaware that anyone even noticed her existence and that fanned the anger churning through his gut even more.   "So is there more you aren't telling me?" Erik questioned softly, causing Ky to close his eyes to fight off the ripple of anger that suddenly sparked within him.   "I'm sure there is. I can tell you nothing went the way I intended with her. Hell, she ran straight into me and I snapped at her, not knowing she was my mate." Even as he stood there, a silent guard between the world and the girl hiding at the back of Mr. Niall's class, he could not help but feel something was out of place.   "How is that even possible? You should have scented her the minute she was within a hundred yards of you." Disbelief colored the voice of his beta, and Ky had to admit, he was curious about that particular fact as well. He should have known the minute she was on the school property who and what she was to him, so why hadn't he? If she were already marked, he would not have felt any form of the mate bond. Yet, the moment her eyes had met his own, she had become the center of his world.   "I am not entirely sure. I do know her scent was masked by others. I cannot tell you who those scents belong to or why, but they literally clung to her like a second skin. Yet, she's not bonded to anyone because when our eyes met, the bond formed, and when I touched her..."   "What? What happened, Ky?" Erik's voice had tensed, and Ky shook his head. He knew Erik needed an answer, but he was not sure he could truly give him one. Still, he knew the beta needed to understand.   "Everything. In one moment, I was so extremely joyous and happy like I had never known. There was this spark, this heat of arousal and as much as I wanted her, needed her. Wanted to pull her into my arms, I also felt peace. My wolf no longer chomping at the bit to be let out. He was content, just as I was." Ky finished softly, his head tilting as he watched the female start to gather her things, wincing as she bent over to retrieve her backpack from the floor.   Casting a glance at the clock on the wall, he grumbled softly, moving quickly to take up a place on the other side of the lockers down the hall. The bell rang, sending students swarming out into the hall. Kylen watched the door to Mr. Niall's room intently. The line of students filing out in small whispered groups and conversations. He noticed it was only after all the rest exited the room, that the reason for his focus finally stepped out of the door.   Her head was bowed, her eyes downcast as she moved forward, finding a spot in the crowd where she could move along without really being intrusive to anyone else. His heart ached as he watched her move carefully, her shoulders hunched forward as if she were a small little mouse scurrying to safety while trying not to wake the predators around her. If only she knew.   Nearly half of the student population was of were-blood. Yet, her fear or her trepidation did not even set off their radar. It was almost as if no one saw her to read her. Was she a ghost? A wraith of some past spirit that wandered the halls? Was that why? Kylen cursed as his imagination ran wild. He had touched her flesh, felt her beneath his hand. It did not get more real than that, but how had she been among them all this time and not once signaled any of them to her presence.   A frown curled his lips as he watched her move through the halls. Her long ebony hair tangled about her and falling in a mess of waves and matted strands down to the small of her back. Her skin was pale, almost ivory in color, but she wore bulky oversized clothes that hid her from view. Her leck was long and slender, but that was the extent of what he could notice about her. The rest of her body was hidden in the shapeless, overly large clothing that hung off her form.   A growl leaving his lips, Ky stepped out, silently propelling himself through the hall behind his little mate to try and get some answers.
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