Episode 13 : you’re the reason … 1

1756 Words

Lily felt like she’s gonna be sick any minute now … the cold midnight air is refreshing . She felt tears are swelling up in her eyes due to the overwhelming day she had , she’s now dwelling over her entire life . The bartender came after her , came very close to her … held her shoulders from behind and embraced her asking : “are you ok beautiful ?!” Startled by his embrace and touch , she moved her body away from him shyly pushing him away not trying to offend him because he was super nice to her and probably he has good intentions to comfort her that’s all , she kept reassuring herself , but she doesn’t like to be touched by strangers like that so she was denying his touch politely saying : “I’m fine … I just needed fresh air “ standing away from him . He approached her and held her c

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