Episode 32 : relax princess 1

1811 Words

The next morning James was still sleeping on his study couch when he suddenly woke up feeling something is wrong upstairs . It’s his heightened wolf sense that told him something’s wrong upstairs especially in his room … where Lily sleeps . He slept like s**t last night feeling guilty , angry , horny all at once . No time to think , he climbed up the stairs in three at once . Opened the door to his bedroom . His hair is a mess , his shirt half open , his sleeves rolled up … what a beautiful gorgeous tall Greek God he is , especially in the morning . There she is sleeping in his bed , gorgeous and so hot to kiss and cuddle and … f*ck ! He must not think about this right now ! What’s wrong with her ? When he comes closer to the bed side he sees that she’s squirming in her sleep , like if s

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