Chapter 3

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The wind blowing through her hair was something that Fiona had never experienced earlier but tonight that changed forever. She whooped like a common rogue who was enjoying the spoils of his ill-gotten gains. Roscher soared amongst the clouds just like the Pegasus did when ridden by the Gods and took the turns just in the same way when he rode through the vale. “Where art thou flying forward to Roscher?” asked Fiona as she raised her voice over the noise of the winds. The sky was changing its colours and it was amok with billions of eyes of pure light shooting forth from the red ball of fire rising gradually above the horizon and Roscher started gradually descending. But to Fiona’s mind she did not want to actually go down so easily. She wanted to enjoy the colours of the sky a bit more better. She was on a winged chariot just like Apollo drove his horses across the horizon making it lighter. The sunrise came as if it had missed the sky and wanted nothing more than to warm up those blues to a radiant gold. Above those tangerine mountains, kissed to their heady blush by the sun, were clouds that moved in shoals. And so the sky was equal parts blue and a chorus of greys, streaked with silvers and golds. “Stay a little more staring at the horizon, Roscher. Never in thine life earlier have thy seen such glorious beauty of Apollo!!” gushed Fiona. Roscher did not mind staying in the air for a little while, after all his new wings needed as much exercise possible and Fiona’s happiness and light of her heart was a lot more important. Dark days were ahead of her along with the dark times, she needed all the light that she could gather. Sunlight filled the sky, pure scattered light; its hue ambitiously illuminating each crevice of the land. Sparrows chirped an explicit background melody. With breath paused in Fiona’s lungs, she wished time would halt. The trees shone as if they were wearing golden crowns and the vast sea was not able to absorb the bright sparks of the sun. The tides on the sea were racing among each other to reach the horizon from where the mighty godlike sun appeared. And though time continued, the emotions that flowed stilled her soul. Finally when the sun was golden, Roscher descended in the middle of an orchard. The map that Pippa had given her was enchanted and so it would not be able to show her the name of the land unless she really reached the land or stepped on it. Under the sunrise, the apples glowed more rosy than they do in the dayshine. The branches of each tree spread out as if so proud of the bounty they brought and sweetness given within each one. It was a party of colours, of chaos and order, of a beauty that sprung from simple seeds blessed with mud and rain. “Tis the Vale of Blessings,” said Fiona in an awed voice. The people who live here planted only heirloom varieties. Their skins are works of art, perfect blends of red, green and yellow in patterns my hand could never paint. But better than that, they aren't shiny. Their sizes are as uneven as beach pebbles and you can't predict the flavour unless you know the variety. They have brown spots and the occasional worm – they're real apples. They don't shine since they aren't coated with wax, and in their dullness I feel safe enough to take a bite. But Fiona knew better than to do that. This was a land of magic like all others and no one should tear off any apple from the tree without any permission. “Indeed it is, Princess of Abaentis,” said a female voice from near her to which she immediately reacted and was on her guard. Her eyes were veiled and she was waiting for the woman to show herself who had spoken. Not a minute later on a woman came forward and smiled at her,” It is an honour to make thy acquaintance, Princess.” “Tis thy pleasure as well,” said Fiona, bowing down a little. These people were magical despite their human appearance. Roscher did not say anything and considered that it would be better that lesser people came to know about a talking and a flying horse. “I do not understand how was it even possible for you to get out of the Mystic woods without coming in contact with the witch of the woods. She would not have let you go, Princess. Instead she would have made a fine meal of your tender flesh and used your bones as hangings in her cave. You intrigue me,” said the woman as she smiled and the sharp rows of teeth were exposed. Fiona almost flinched at the sight of them but the she remembered that it was what these people wanted. Underneath all that beauty, there was a viciousness to which she could not place her finger on but she needed to be very wary of these women. “I had some help from a few friends I made on the way. And if you consider that threatening me or trying to scare me would work then I suggest you find some other method to play on me because intimidation games really does not work on my mind,” replied Fiona, as she stared at the woman without looking away. It was supposed to make people uncomfortable, and if it made the king himself uncomfortable then this woman would not be a very big deal. “You are really unique, Princess Fiona. Tis not everybody who takes up such a noble quest on their young shoulders if they are not brave enough or might be stupid enough. But you have mettle and I can see that,” said the Keeper of the orchard as she exposed her teeth again. “I have no clue that if I should take that as a compliment or should I suffer indignation from your words. But I must say, I had never in my life considered I would come face to face with such beauty. Every year on the day of the festival of Ceres, I wait eagerly to taste the fruits that come from the Vale of the Blessed. And I know that it is with lot of love and care that you can grow such marvelous fruits. My gratitude to you, Keeper of the Orchard for sustaining our land with the blessings of the Vale,” said Fiona as she recalled what Pippa had taught her. Even if you were working with the worst kind of person or even a charlatan then some amount of praise never hurt anyone a little. And the arrow had hit its mark right in the bull’s eye. This time there was a bright smile on the face of the Keeper. “You are unlike any other royal I have ever encountered, Princess of Abaentis. You are truly one of your kind. But you do know that there is a rite of passage that needs to be fulfilled if you want to cross through the land, ain’t that true?” asked the Keeper and Fiona nodded. She had really heard about that but she could not understand what kind of price would she have to pay for her passage. “I am ready for any price to pass through your lands, Keeper of the Orchards,” said Fiona with confidence and without her voice breaking even an ounce. “What is the universe but "one verse," one song of love? For it is when love flows most strongly I feel the interconnectedness of all things. It is as if beneath, around and within our reality, it is love that is the creative force, the energy, an intricate, chaotic yet synchronized beating heart of life. That's the way the universe feels to me - a silent song of pure love shining as bright stars in the night sky, the perfect tone that gives birth to space, time and matter, the voice of God,” said the Keeper confusing Fiona even more. “I do not understand the meaning of your words, Keeper,” said Fiona as she looked at her in confusion. “Tis not necessary that you understand everything you hear right that moment, but you need to remember this well and good..for a time will arrive when you will be needed to decipher the meaning of the words that I have just spoken,” said the Keeper as she gestured in the direction of the garden path and Fiona held Roscher’s reins and walked after her. “Thou spoke a riddle,” said Fiona as if that was what she had understood and the Keeper did not reply. She only progressed along the path. And then they finally came to walk down to a patch in the middle of the garden which seemed like it had been burnt and everything was black and charred and covered with soot. This garden in the middle of such beauty seemed like something or some had cursed the land to never be able to grow anything here. It was a dark sight after seeing such beauty. “You need to turn this patch of land and garden green once again. This is the price you have to pay in order to pass through the land,” said the woman as Fiona gasped at her. That was impossible. She was doomed.                                    
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