Chapter Two

1079 Words
"Ready?" She nodded her head excitedly. After they had the mouth-watering breakfast, Alexander came up with his favorite games. Which is blind folding her eyes as he guided her somewhere. His arms gently secured her petite body, while his strong hands embraced her back. "Are we in the backyard? And what is this car for?" There was a black Aston Martin V12 Vantage parked in front of them. The cold breeze of the morning wind crept through her skin. Causing her to hug herself instantly. "Don't get cold, forgive me for bringing you here early. But I want you to take somewhere. You will love it." He covers her shoulder with his warm coat. He then opened the door for her to get inside. "That was new. I had never set foot outside of these walls since the day I came here. Thank you," as how genuine she was, there was also her heart-melting smile. Reaching her eyes while they were filled with love. "Anything you wish for," Sandy had noticed that he became more passionate and caring for her. The last months were giving her plenty of boredom. He was always out of her reach. She often asked the maidservants and they would end up saying he was working in his office, he had something to do, or he was out of the mansion for a couple of days. But afterwards, he always had time every night and embraced her until she slept. "What's on your mind, mi amore? Anything that bothers you?" Her attention traveled back towards him. She did not notice that they were out of the mansion that fast. Probably because her mind was occupied with random thoughts. "Not at all, just one of the thoughts." He smiled and reached her hands, while the other hands were on the steering wheel. Sandy's heart was warmed by his actions, and there was herself wishing that it would last forever. Which he would never change and they will make it to the end. Because there was this sudden possibility of her guts, telling that something big would come in their way. "Well, it matters to me." Instinctively her head turned back to him. She let out a soft chuckle as the man pressed her hand gently. "I was wondering where you would take me. Could you open the window? I want to feel the freshness of the wind." Alexander slowed down the car's speed, he pressed the button to open the window next to hers. Her eyes slowly closed as she felt the refreshing touch of the wind on her face. Indeed, it was chilly but no one can beat how relaxing it was. Sandy knew that she was living in the best moments of her life, together with the person she had first been in love with. "It's a surprise, mi amore. Don't get too exposed to the wind. That's enough for now, the place I'm taking you to is more than relaxing than this." She looked surprisingly at him. That was the longest word he had spoken so far. And it was giving her some excitement about what he would unexpectedly do next. " Since when did you learn how to speak longer words? " Her smile couldn't hide her happiness. Honestly, she was just full of wonderful feelings at the moment. And it makes her feel like wearing her smile for the rest of the day. "Just now, I was lost with the beautiful sight beside me." He had just not learned to speak a lot but also wore his rare smile. Which can lure plenty of women to fall for him easily. "And why is that so?," She interrogates more. Last night he suggested singing a lullaby. This morning he took her by surprise. Then, there was his countless sweet behavior and smiles. "Because I love you, mi amore. What else?" Sandy had thought her whole world would stop. Only his words echoed in her ears, leaving her speechless and unable to function as of the moment. He said he loved me. And that was the first time, too, hearing those words she had longed to hear from him. Ironically, it was out of her expectations to come out through his mouth. " Can you stop the car for a moment? please," they were already in the flat area which was filled with tall and green grass. The old and empty road explained that there were not many vehicles passing by in the place. When the engine died, she quickly lent her hand to his forehead. Checking if there's something wrong with him or if there was a fever. Something that caused him to be sweet as sugar. "What are you doing, mi amore?" "Are you feeling alright? No headaches or rising up with your temperature?" she thought there was. Since he was far different from yesterday. "I'm perfectly fine, come here." Before she could sink in what he said, Alexander's warm lips were already capturing hers. Giving her the feeling of plenty of those flying butterflies on her belly. It lasted longer, the man seemed very hungry for her cherry lips. He then took a closer look and longer connection through her eyes. Colliding their souls and the rhythm of their hearts. "Do you want me to turn the direction and get back home, and stay in bed with you for the rest of the day?" she laughed. He spoke playfully without her expecting it. Sandy rested her head on his broad chest, continuing to laugh. While he listened to her voice and let her take the time she needed. " I'm glad I made you laugh that hard. I never saw you do it before." When she was all settled, quickly, she stole a peck on his lips. And goes back to her seat. "Let's go with your plan, I can't wait to see the place you were talking about." She wouldn't let it slip either. It was the first time she had come out of his place and she'd definitely enjoy the rest of the day. It will be more special together with him. "As you wish, you will surely love it." He started the car's engine again and held her hand. Slowly, the car began to run as he added more speed on the way. She took her time to enjoy the relaxing view outside of the window. Making her attention to focus on glancing at the unfamiliar scenery.
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