6. Painful departure

1949 Words

Nyala I have never felt so helpless in my life as I did at that moment when Alastair walked out of my room. One thing was certain: my hatred for the werewolves had grown twofold. If they hadn’t interfered in our affairs, everything would’ve been smooth. Teagan wouldn’t have lost his life. Our kingdom wouldn’t have been divided. When he said I was the reason behind my uncle’s death, I felt it deep down. The reality of not seeing Teagan again engulfed me completely. Teagan was like a father figure to me. I know I had troubled him a lot in the past. I had stepped on his rules countless times, but that had never made him change his attitude towards me. However, the sudden change in Corvin scared me to the core. How had he managed to form up fire out of his powers? Teagan was the only one wit

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