1907 Words

18 ‘And where, exactly, are we going?’ Jay said coldly. ‘I think we are all feeling a little homesick, are we not?’ said Fenella pleasantly. ‘No!’ I blurted, and backed away — as if that would help. ‘I can’t go home yet!’ Fenella looked oddly at me. ‘So the plan is to kidnap the lot of us?’ said Jay disgustedly. ‘We work for you, whether we will or no?’ ‘That remains to be seen,’ said Fenella. Her hostess smile had gone; her tone was now all business. ‘The fact is, I can’t have you trailing back to Mandridore with the copies of that research you have no doubt made. Or perhaps with an intact artefact you’d like me to imagine no longer exists. Ancestria Magicka will bring back British magick, and no one else.’ So that was it. Pure, naked ambition. I wasn’t surprised, but I was… out-ma

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