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15 ‘You cannot simply bond with a Familiar at your own convenience,’ said Luan severely. ‘A living, magickal beast is not an artefact to pick up and drop at will, or a toy to play with whenever the mood takes you.’ ‘I know that,’ I said, as patiently as I could. Honestly, he sounded like Miranda. ‘It takes months, and in some cases years, to forge a trusting relationship with a suitable animal,’ continued Luan. ‘No problem there,’ I said. ‘Addie and I have been going strong for a decade.’ That gave him pause, and a little of the disapproval smoothed out of his features. ‘Then, if the creature is willing, you may create a soul-bond via a magickal binding. It is common to employ a catalyst to complete this process.’ ‘A binding?’ I said. ‘That sounds uncomfortably like the griffins and

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