#Chapter 170: Too Many Affairs

1486 Words

The discovery of Stella and Andy's affair had left Timothy seething with anger and a newfound sense of determination. He couldn't allow their betrayal to go unpunished, not when the truth could help Evie's case against Stella. As he sped through the rain-soaked streets, his grip on the steering wheel tightened with each passing moment. The rain fell in a steady, unforgiving downpour, reflecting the tempest within Timothy's heart. He drove with a singular purpose, the images of Stella and Andy flashing in his mind. They had been free to do as they pleased with one another, meanwhile. Timothy had been “tasked” to stay away from Evie, not like he would have. Timothy parked his car, the engine rumbling to a halt. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling. The rain battered his car'

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