It’s my job

1051 Words
From a small table came a faint ringing, a small clutch purse was vibrating on the table. The large four-poster bed that stood grand next to the seating area was a jumbling heap of sheets. From underneath the sheets emerged almost rolling out of bed disheveled Ella, she started to tiptoe to the table with a slight limp. As she walked she groaned and hissed a bit, she was completely naked as she walked over, picking up the phone from the purse. The screen blinked with the name Emily, Ella answered the phone with a hoarse voice croaking out, “Emily! What is it you want?” From the other end of the call came a flat voice, “she finally answers! It’s two pm, have you been sleeping until now?” Ella cleared her voice, “Yeah, is it two?” Emily chuckled, “yes honey, it’s two pm. Was the wedding night that wild?” Ella's cheeks blushed and she stuttered a bit before she answered, “It was...” A long pause, “It was eventful, for sure.” Emily squealed on the other end, “Oh my God Ella, I need details.” Ella limped back to the bed and wrapped some white sheets around herself, she sniffed a bit at the sheets and made a face of disgust. “Well, eh Emily, I don’t know what to say...” Emily quipped back, “just take it from the start and do not spare any details.” Ella groaned, “well, I thought it would be very much straightforward, but turns out he has.... appetite.” Emily squealed some more back, “more, details!!” Ella shook her head, “ok, so he was very gentle and patient, he took the time to get me all excited, and he has endurance. But after a long session, I thought we would go to sleep, but he just got more and more adventurous and I thought he couldn’t possibly get it up anymore. But he just flipped me left and right, I think I have been poked from every angle.” Ella sighed. Emily was dead silent at the other end before she finally broke the silence, “OH MY GOD ELLA!! He’s a s*x God??” Ella sniggered, “probably not Emily, I would guess he got just excited on his wedding night, that’s all.” Emily got a bit serious, “Ella, be honest with me, was the wedding night you were first with him? I mean, it does not seem like you have been dating for that long. I hadn’t heard of you dating until we got invited ON the wedding day.” Ella sighed a bit, she ran her fingers through her light brown locks, “we haven’t had much experience together if that explains it enough, and we have not been dating long.” Ella was biting her lower lip as she told her friend the little white lie. “Well then, I guess it doesn’t hurt to try, if it doesn’t work you could always divorce him.” Ella didn’t answer that, she squeezed her eyes shut at that comment. Ella knew that she was not able to divorce him, the contract was clear, no divorce, no other lovers. Only the two of them for the duration of their lives. Looking at last night's endeavors looks like Ella didn’t have to worry much, except perhaps for too many of the good things. Emily continued, “well Ella, are you going on a honeymoon?” Ella straightened her back, “I have no idea, we did not discuss it.” Emily then took the opportunity, “so you can meet me for brunch today?” Ella made a face as she understood that she was cornered, “sure, give me thirty minutes and we’ll meet at our regular place.” They both hung up the call and Ella ran into the bathroom and quickly showered. Then she went to the walk-in closet, and inside hung designer clothes, shoes, and bags that were not hers. But they all were in her style and size, she looked at the clothes lined up in awe. She picked out some and quickly put them on, she hopped out of the bedroom and down a hallway. She was a bit unsure where to go in this big mansion as she didn’t see much of it last night. She found her way to the front door and went to leave, as she opened one of the double doors a voice rang out to address her, “do you need a ride, Mrs. Blackwell?” Ella jumped, clearly taken by surprise. She didn’t know what to answer at that, she didn’t know who the person was nor that they had a driver to take her places. But she did, however, notice that the person addressed her as Mrs. Blackwell. Ella addressed the older but handsome man standing in front of her, “it’s just Ella, and a lift would be great” The man nodded, “I’m Jason, the head butler.” Ella raised a brow at that there was a head butler, like in multiple butlers. Jason continued, “I will have the driver pull up right away Mrs. Blackwell.” Jason was not about to address Ella so casually, Jason went to pick up a small tablet and pushed a few buttons. Just 30 seconds later a black SUV came around to the front, Ella was taken aback by the driver getting there so fast from the garage like he was waiting in the car to be called to work. Ella looked back to Jason and gave him a small nod, “thank you, Jason.” Jason smiled, “not at all Mrs. Blackwell, that’s what I’m here for.” Ella smiled a stiff smile before she hurried out the front door, the driver was now standing by the back door holding it open for her. As she sat in he closed the door for her, he jogged over to the driver's side and sat in, “where to Mrs. Blackwell? Your usual brunch restaurant?” Ella's jaw dropped, “how do you know my regular brunch place?” The driver replied casually, “it’s my job.”
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