Say yes to the dress

1189 Words
On a tufted sofa sat seven giggling ladies, they were dressed in cute dresses and designer accessories. Around them were several store employees bustling around to accommodate the group of friends, all around were manikins showing off the latest and trendiest of dresses. A woman walked with no effort in her incredibly high heels, she was holding a freshly opened and chilled bottle of champagne, she went to each lady sitting on the large sofa refreshing their drinks. One of the girls ushered as she let out a squeal, “I can't believe this is happening, I would swear that Juliette would go first!” Another lady answered as the others nodded, “I know, I was so sure Howard would propose before any of yours. But then our supposedly single girl snatched the biggest price without us noticing.” The ladies hummed in agreement at that. A third lady then followed up with an appraisal, “If any could pull that off it's her, and no one is more worthy of such luck.” An even bigger unified hum from the group erupted as they all made gestures in agreement. Suddenly a large pink velvet stage fabric was pulled aside as Ella stepped out to the group. They all gasped and erupted into squeals, cheers, and muffled sobs, “oh Ella!” On her slim and feminine body hugged a white dress, it was matt and had no gloss, but the fabric had a shine to it as it slightly sparkled. Within the matted fabric were glistening threads, it was clear that the beauty of the dress lay in its fabric. The dress hung on her effortlessly, with an off-shoulder neckline, the neckline was round and modest but showed her cleavage slightly. It was a light fabric that cascaded down her waist and hips, as it flowed down her lower body it started to form valleys of folds as it encapsulated her slim legs. The front was sewn in such a way that it cupped her breast slightly, and the back was bare as the dress line plunged deep. The fabric layered in folds in a slight bow right over her lower back, and the fit and seam of the dress made it easy to wear without having to use a bra. At the end of the dress was a slightly curved train, the dress was simple and elegant, but also modest in a very sexy way. Ella was blushing slightly, but not squealing or bustling like the rest of the group, “well, what do you think?” All seven had their hands covering their mouth, gasps erupted throughout the room. After a minute of wiping tears, one of the ladies spoke, “it's the one! I couldn't imagine you wearing anything else!” Ella smiled and blushed even more, “you always knew me so well Lena, so much that you could tell before me.” Finally, even Ella shed a tear. One of the staff quickly rushed over in her ridiculously high heels with a box of tissues, Ella grabbed one and dabbed her eye. One of the ladies that previously had been quiet spoke up, “am I seriously the only one surprised by this sudden wedding? I had no idea Ella was even dating! And now we get invited to a wedding that will take place the very same day!?!” Everyone shook their heads, some swallowing their champagne quickly to join in, they all erupted into an intense discussion, “no I had no idea” “the most eligible bachelor even” “only Ella could pull off such a surprise wedding” “it’s not a shotgun wedding is it?” “And just think of all the guys that have been eying Ella for so long” “I wonder how long they dated”. All suddenly stopped talking and looked at Ella, she cleared her throat and took a long inhale, “we haven’t been dating that long, it took me by surprise. I was shocked, but he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Ella made a small smirk, “and no it’s not a shotgun wedding, we are not covering up anything. I guess it’s just.... meant to be”, she winked at her friends. The manager clapped her hands together, “right, we need to get going, it’s only two hours until the ceremony and everyone needs to get their makeup and hair done. All the bridesmaid dresses are waiting downstairs with the hairdressers and makeup artists. We also have fruit and cucumber water waiting for you guys, you need to hydrate well today.” The ladies got up and walked towards the steps to get to their next task. In another part of the town, Liam was standing in front of a large mirror looking at his newly tailored suit. It fit him perfectly showing off his lean and muscular body. Next to him was a tailor scrutinizing every little detail on his suit. On the other side stood a tall blond man, equally handsome but so different in his looks. His jawline was sharper and his eyes were steely blue, the man tilted his head and gazed at Liam's attire. “Seriously Liam, you could just date the woman first.” Liam didn’t reply, nor did he show any sign of even acknowledging the statement. “I know you said that she is the one, but are you sure you can know after just one meeting?” Still no reply. The tailor adjusted the suit here and there as the two men interacted. Finally, Liam spoke, “Hemmy, I’ve never been wrong before, and I’m not wrong now. She is the one I will spend my life with, I knew as soon as my eyes landed on her.” Hemmy sighed, then looked Liam in the eyes through the mirror, “you haven’t had a relationship in a century! You’re my best friend, I want you to think this through!” Liam turned to Hemmy and smiled, “Hemsworth my friend, my dearest friend, she is the one! And I can’t wait for tonight when I get to bed here!” He winked at his best friend. Hemmy scoffed at that and chuckled, “I’m happy for you Liam, I’ve never seen you so content before.... or so horny either.” Hemmy laughed and Liam joined in on the laughter. Liam raised and lowered his shoulder and he took in a long breath, “I’ve never been nervous before. I’ve always just taken the things I wanted, or dated the ladies I desired. But this time I’m scared, what if I harm her?” His eyebrows frowned as a worried look came upon his face. Hemmy put a hand on his shoulders, “relax my friend, if she’s anything like you described her, she will let you know loud and clear. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the one coming out victorious in a bedroom scuffle.” Hemmy winked at Liam and Liam smiled back, they seemed to agree.
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