Turn of events

1438 Words

Ella was waiting for someone in an expensive restaurant. She was bouncing Oliver on her shoulder as he had just fed. He had fallen asleep right after feeding but he still needed to be burped. In the front door came Jack rushing in, he saw Ella and strode with quick steps to her table. He sat down opposite to Ella, his face was red and his skin damp with sweat. It looked like he had been running the whole way there. “What happened Jack? You wouldn’t tell me on the phone.” Jack looked at her and gave a tight smile “Lori disappeared.” Ella gasped “are you ok?” Jack made a slight nod that turned into a shaking of his head, he did not seem to decide if he was ok or not. “She was acting weird one evening, then the next morning she was gone. Most of her valuables and a suitcase was gone as well.

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