Family planning

1326 Words

Melanie was writhing in pain as her stomach was tightening in pulses, it was like her muscles were squeezing her lunges. She was in bed and trying to scoot up by using her arms, she failed miserably and gave up with a grunt. Beside her she heard a faint snoring, it was early morning and Jacob was asleep. As the muscles around her belly was on fire she had very little air left to yell out to wake him. She swatted at him hitting his arm and shoulder but he did not budge. As she pain intensified she balled her hand to a fist and hit him on the arm. Still he did not move an inch, rather the snoring intensified. The pain was now at it peak and Melanie roared out as she weathered the last of it. It got quiet as Melanie finally could catch her breath, the wave that hit her had subsided. The bliss

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