
The different social classes

blue collar

The different social classes a Prince and a commoner will they find love from enemies to lovers. in a world where commoners are dirts and noble men are the leaders our MC's goal is to balance the society and bring back justice, he who uses to have the same mind as all the noble men a girl changed his whole life.

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FAKE (Part 1) {find the masks}
when you Look around you, you see that all of them are fake all those who smile even the duke.... they are all fake "ARGH THOSE PEASANTS I WANT THAT CHILD BEHEADED RIGHT THIS EXTANT" yelled the duke who was fuming with anger "sorry sir but we can't do that " said the duke's assistant "WHY?!!!" "she's just a child" Then the duke angrily drew the curtain to see one of the maids daughter in his bath tub "oh my!" says the duke's assistant (Bryan) "you found me" says the child with a huge smile on her face "GOD DAMN IT WHERE IS THAT STUPID MAID" yelled the duke who was angrier now (some minutes later) "I am so sorry my Lord my daughter likes hiding a lot she must've thought your bath tub was a hiding place please pardon me" says the woman while bowing "you're fired" says the duke "please my Lord I beg you my daughter and I have no where else to go please" says the woman with tears in her eyes "oh please my Lord" said Bryan The duke stops to look at Bryan who looked like he had already regretted what he said, an awkward silence reigned for a while until the duke finally said "leave my room please I'll think off that after" The lady and her daughter left the room and the duke turned to his assistant angrily "what are you trying to do were you trying to make me look like the bad guy" said the duke while moving towards Bryan "no I wasn't.....I" said Bryan while stepping back.....suddenly a young and smooth voice that came out of no where said "james" catching both the duke and his assistant while there was inches between them "Oh wow~" said the Prince "told you, now you owe me 100 pounds " said the princess (diana) " urgh what were you guys doing, are you really gay?" said the prince "what no.....did you guys bet on us being gays" said the duke "it's gay.... like just...gay" said Bryan "but were two" said the duke in confusion "trying to justify this, James was half n***d while Bryan was starring at his biceps" said princess Diana "is this the reason of your unwanted presence" said the duke "that's her reason but mine's totally different...." said the Prince while showing some papers " we're going to be the hosts of an unwanted tea party.....excuse me YOU are going to be the host of an unwanted tea party, father took the delight in deciding it, he thinks it can improve our public image....and they'll be a charity programme too" said the Prince "WHAT!!!?" shouted the duke "oh there is worst brother FATHER took the unbelievable initiative in adopting not one but two STUPID PEASANTS from the orphanage" "WHAT?!!!!!!" exclaimed the duke "wait what, I wasn't aware of that" said the princess the duke and his siblings were surprised they could never have expected such a thing from they father, he who was disgusted by the commoners, he who believes that capitalism is the best way to separate the chosen ones from the dirts, surely something was up so at diner they decided to confront they father "I heard we were going to adopt...adopt humans!" exclaimed the duke "yes" said their father king Williams totally calm "WHY!!!?" said the duke in total rage "wait don't tell me..."diana said with crossed arms, suddenly she was interrupted by her brother Prince Gabriel "he is trying to impress the duchess" said Prince Gabriel while starring at his father, James who is totally surprised of hearing that there was a duchess asks, "the duchess?" " you know your fiance oh father didn't tell you right...you're getting married to that dirt magnet....The woman who is known for giving half of her fortune to charity she is hoping of moving all the charity programme to you considering the fact that you're the duke right James" said Gabriel with a smirk on his face, [yes drop the mask duke all of those smiles there are all fake even, the duchess no one can stand taking care of a pig, some animals are just not worth saving that's why Noah didn't carry everyone on the arc only nobles deserve to live isn't that right let's see if you'll be able to keep it all together during the charity programme when you'll have to touch a commoner] he says to himself with a grin on his face. An awkward silence reigned for a while until James suddenly rose from his chair fast to bump right into a maid pouring the food she was carrying on him. "oh God I'm so sorry my Lord I... SLAAAAP!!!!!!!!!!! everyone was stunned as the room turned silent and the duke went silently to his room "I'm not interested in eating anymore" said the king while leaving "don't forget to clean this mess" he said with a calm voice, it was as if he was expecting it all "me too this is disgusting throw it all don't bother eating it" said the princess in with a calm voice, while leaving. Everyone had left the table and the Prince was left alone with a sobbing maid next to him on the floor Gabriel sighs and takes a napkin to give it to the sobbing maid when suddenly someone snatches the napkin and pushes him away it was Charlie the daughter of the maid "stay away from my mom you demons you say you don't touch commoners right step aside" said Charlie "do you know who I am" says the Prince "yes you are the Prince...." "do you know what I can do to you" "what behead me fired or slap me like you did for my mom you nobles have no decency, you slapped an old woman you deserve to be beheaded" the Prince then grabs her left hand and suddenly SLAAAPP!!!!!!! "at least we're even" says Charlie while leaving the room "I was just trying to help" said the Prince while touching his cheek "it hurts" Later in the night the Prince was still thinking of his unpleasant encounter he was mostly astounded by her bluntness "how were you able to wound yourself like that" said his assistant Samuel "I ran into the tree in the garden" said the Prince quietly " if you say so" said his assistant while leaving the room At that time Gabriel didn't know why he lied, normally peasants like her are fired on the spot but for some reason he wanted to see her again. The next day while the maids were preparing breakfast the duke was getting reading for his visit it is the duke's to visit orphanage or to meet the commoners time to time but today was a different day the duchess irene de grace was going to visit, she is the daughter of Gabriel de Grace France's king will James' wedding work? "hi everyone" said Irene with a smile on her face "urgh there she comes again I'm leaving" said princess Diana " I believe we'll be leaving now" said James with a calm voice "isn't Prince Gabriel going to eat today" said Charlie with a worried face "I'm here never thought you cared about me" said the Prince "I was just doing my job sir" said Charlie "my cheek still hurts you slapped it" "about that I am very sorry turned out it was actually James who slapped my mom you were just trying to help I'm very sorry" " even though you said that how are you going to heal my cheek it hurts" said the Prince while pointing at his cheek then suddenly Charlie moves close to him and kisses his cheek, "my mom always kisses me when I'm hurts she said it works like magic" Charlie kept talking but Gabriel was barely hearing he was lost, it was the first time he had such feelings she was just a commoner but why was he..... " HEY my Lord ", she said while snapping her finger "did it work it looks like it got worst you are all red" she said "uhm excuse me" said the Prince before leaving. To be continued.....

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