
543 Words
~~ESMERALDA~~ I was giddy with excitement that I finally had to tell Killian how I felt about him all along. Though things had been awkward between us since he said nothing after my confession even till now. I needed to make things right and less awkward so I headed straight to the game room to see Killian. I was about to open the door when I suddenly overheard a conversation that was surely between Killian and his pals. "I can't believe you did just as you said, dude" one of them muttered with a laugh. "I mean what was she thinking? When there are numerous pretty girls out here, why did she think you'd fall in love with her piggy build?" Another one said and they all laughed. "So we're dropping the $200 right now?" One of them whined. "Oh you mean the bet's worth?" Killian laughed. "Believe me, it wasn't easy trying to get that ugly duckling to fall into my traps but it's done now" Killian's voice echoed in my ears and the milkshake in my hand dropped, probably sending an echo into the room. The door flipped open and I came face to face with Killian and his friends. Jace had this ghastly look on his face but Killian wasn't even fazed. I couldn't see one single remorse on his face, in his eyes, nowhere! So Nela was right all these while? Killian had just played a huge part in breaking me totally beyond repair. He had never really had a single feeling for me but I didn't see that. I was so mad at Nela for trying to convince me otherwise only to find out that he had just played me. What in my entire existence have I done to deserve this? It wasn't my fault I became so ugly! But no one saw that. Or maybe I was trying to make myself feel better by concluding that it wasn't my fault? "Erm" Jace stammered nervously but Killian walked straight up to me, raising his phone to remind me how desperately I had confessed my feelings to him. Tears trickle down my face. "I'm not sorry you had to find out this way, well… because you have been so stupid to think I'd fall in love and date someone like you," he said bluntly and I opened my mouth to talk but only a sob broke out. To think he had even summed up my worth to be $200? Gawd, I am so stupid! He didn't only break me, he shattered my heart to pieces and even disgraced me publicly in front of all these students! One was even busy making videos. I ran out of the school as far as my fat legs could carry me. I was alone at a corner on the streets for hours shedding tears and reminiscing on how stupid I was, then I came to one conclusion. "I can't and I would never give up on my dream school or my dream because of him! I would change myself and become someone worthy of being loved by anyone. He would pay for humiliating me because of my looks, for breaking me, he would pay for everything! My comeback won't be a trivial one!
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