Sexy piece of sassiness

2064 Words

LYRIC "Yeah, I did that do your face. So what?" I said without blinking. He scoffed, glaring hard at me but I didn't care. He broke my phone first! I saw him reach for something in his pocket but I was too angry to check what it was until he lifted it right to my face. It was Nicole's gift to me the first time he saw my bare face. He had sketched a picture of me in a paper to his best understanding. It wasn't pretty, but it was special to me and commendable to the artist as an eight year old boy. I stretched my arm to snatch it from him but he raised it even higher. "Give it back right now!" I gritted but he ignored the warning behind those words, focusing solely on frustrating my patience. "And if I don't?" He challenged and I felt my insides boil with rage and for some reasons I

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