CH-13 "Breathe..."

3032 Words

"Leave Logan," What? I stared blankly at her and, I just don't know why I was so surprised at hearing those words. I mean, I knew I was unwanted right from the very beginning, wasn't I? I saw that for myself too. This shouldn't be so surprising to me. But it kinda was. I guess it was because it came from Grace. And somehow I didn't quite expect it from her because she has always been warm, loving, and motherly to me. I needed to keep reminding myself that every good memory attached to these people was now in the past. Now, they were nothing more than the people who ruined my life. And that was why I was here, to find my own way to make them pay. Or at the very least find the truth. "Excuse me?" I mumbled. "I don't think I understand, luna," "I think you do, Coraline," Grace answ

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