CH-9 Mess

3632 Words

Logan "Please? I insist," I said, trying to sound somewhere between cajoling and at the same time no-nonsense as Cora glared at me. It took all but five seconds for her to burst into flames. Like literally. And if she kept up like this, things were just going to get harder. She snatched her arm away and shot a dirty look at everyone gathered around before allowing Asher to escort her out. I watched her walk out and cringed as my father's booming voice distracted me. "See! That's why she is so unfit to be a luna!" he roared. "Haven't you seen your mother? That is how a luna is supposed to be. I cannot accept this. You have to reject her and find a more suitable chosen mate for yourself. Not everyone needs his fated," I blinked at the door. What? "What?" I demanded, trying not to lo

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